This conference proceeding is a collection of the papers accepted by the CENet 2017 − the 7th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks held on Shanghai from 22−23 July, 2017.
This proceeding contains the five parts: Part I focuses on Machine learning (21 papers); Part II Wireless communication (21 papers); Part III Information theory (21 papers), Part IV Cloud science (14 papers) and Part V Data analysis (21 papers).
Each part can be used as an excellent reference by industry practitioners, university faculty, and undergraduate as well as graduate students who need to build a knowledge base of the most current advances and state-of-practice in the topics covered by this conference proceedings. This will enable them to produce, maintain, and manage systems with high levels of trustworthiness and complexity
Thanks go to the authors for their hard work and dedication as well as the reviewers for ensuring the selection of only the highest quality papers; their efforts made this proceedings possible.
Sessions |
Session I - Machine Learning |
Session II - Wireless communication |
Session III -Information Theory |
Session IV - Cloud Science |
Session V - Date Analysis |
Session I - Machine Learning |
Classification of EEG Signal by STFT-CNN Framework: Identification of Right-/left-hand Motor Imagination in BCI Systems
Analyze EEG Signals with Convolutional Neural Network Based on Power Spectrum Feature Selection
The Moving Objects Tracking Algorithm in Soccer Robot System Based on Extended Kalman Filter
A Study on Improved Cockroach Swarm Optimization Algorithm
The Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Band-Grouping and Convolutional Neural Network
A Fuzzy Density Peak Optimization Initial Centers Selection for K-medoids Clustering Algorithm
Research on Clearance of Aerial Remote Sensing Images Based on Image Fusion
RELOCATE: A Container Based Moving Target Defense Approach
A New Fuzzy Neural Network Model and Its Application on Network Operating Situation Awareness
Vectoring Gauss Mixture Model Mean Parameters in Speaker Verification
Improved Locally Linear Embedding by Using Adaptive Neighborhood Selection Techniques
Improved Ant Colony Optimization in Express Distribution Routing
Vision-Based Object Fuzzy Recognition in Plain Industrial Environment by Contour Matching
Prediction Model of Network Security Situation based on Elman Neural Network
Region-based Pre-selection of Overlapping Area for the SIFT Algorithm
Research on Mobile Robot SLAM Based on Laser Range Finder
Fast Face Recognition Based on 2D Fractional Fourier Transform
Privacy Preserving SVM with Different Kernel Functions for Multi-Classification Datasets
The Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm of Three- state Reliability Redundancy Allocation Problem
Object Tracking Using On-line Distance Metric Learning
Video Age Estimation with Multiple Stacked CNN Models
Session II - Wireless communication |
A Method to Improve the Performance for Storing Massive Small Files in Hadoop
A Downlink Interference Suppression Scheme for Ultra Dense Networks
Research on Socket Communication System Based on Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
Lightweight Security Trust Model for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink
Research into Radar Net Anti-interference Strategy Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
A Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Clustering Algorithm based on Position-Competition
Research on Influence Factors of Quantitative Perception of Internet Word of Mouth Based on Online Reviews
Finding Full Coverage Agent Group (FCAG) of Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks
A Routing Algorithm via Constructing the Weighted Minimum Connected Dominating Set in Mobile Adhoc Network
Research on Network Coding Algorithm in Two-way Relay Hybrid System of Wireless/Power Line
Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Protocol for Emergency Wireless Mesh Network
Application of Improved RFID Anti - Collision Algorithm in Library Management
Guard Time Settings in TDMA Family MAC Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks
A Load Balancing Strategy Based on Multiple Metrics in Spatial Image File Access Process in Hadoop
A Proportional Fair Resource Allocation Algorithm for Hybrid Hierarchical Backhaul Networks
Design and Development of Vehicle Collision-Avoidance System Based on UWB Wireless Sensor Networks
Clustering Opportunistic Ant-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Research on Node Deployment in Structural Health Monitoring Based on Reliability
Missing Data Reconstruction Using Adaptively Updated Dictionary in Wireless Sensor Networks
Research on safety mobile terminal and judging credibility method based on call tracking
A Survey of Side-Channel Attack and Security Assessment for Cryptographic Equipment
Session III -Information Theory |
Damage Prediction Model of High Pressure Water Jet Impinging Coal Rock Based on PSO-BPNN
Research on Power Attack Comprehensive Experiment Platform Based on SAKURA - GHardware Circuit
Leakage Point Locating Algorithm Based on Generalized Mutual Correlation in Underground Water Pipeline
FPGA Implementation of AES Algorithm Resistant Power Analysis attacks
A Linux-based Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration System Applied on Xilinx Zynq
Performance of 3D Printing in Construction by Using Computer Control Technology
Study Logistics Architecture for Grain Container Multimodal Transport Based on Multi-Agent
An Intelligent Method for Solving Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
Green Suppliers Evaluation by Fuzzy Clustering and TOPSIS Suppliers
A Real-time Reputation Evaluation Model for Stimulating in MANETs
A Three-layer Hybrid Bounding Volume Hierarchy for Collision Detection
A Multi-thread UI Framework Without Graphics Driver Of Mouse On VxWorks System
Research on An Electronic Map Retrieval Algorithm Based on Big Data
A New Method for Constructing TV User Profiles Based on Micro-blog
A Hybrid Neural Network for Sentence Classification
A Real-time Performance Monitoring Framework Based on ACC Model in Collaboration Business Process Environment
The Research of C4ISR System Design And Modeling Method Based on Model
Mobile Robot Moving Target Detection and Tracking System
Frequent sequence mining from massive access log for user’s behaviour investigation
Constrained Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Based on ε Adaptive Weighted Constraint Violation
The SNM Algorithm Based on a Variety of Edit Distance and Variable Window
Session IV - Cloud Science |
3D Visualization of Point Clouds Using HTML5 and WebGL
Construction and Model of Index System under Information Condition
Research Based on Cloudy Data Store Circumscriptive Real-time Demographic System
Cloud Computing Strategy Analysis in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Trust Model Based on Role and Attribute in Cloud Environment
Research of Knowledge Mapping Construction Method Based on Scientific Research Results
A Novel Trust Management Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing Environment
The Impact of Dynamic Retrieval Emissivity on the Microwave Surface-sensitive Channels over Land
Design and Implementation of Camp us Keeping Fit Application Based on IOS and Bmob Cloud
Parallel Routing Method in Churn Tolerated Resource Discovery
Design and Key Calculation of a Big Data Platform for Transmission Channels Monitoring
Analysis of College Students' Spirit Index Based on Structural Equation Model
Formal Design and Verification for A Typical Security Gateway
Resource Authentication Management Model Based on CA and DHT in Internet of Things
Session V - Date Analysis |
Adaptive short-time fractional Fourier transform used in time-frequency analysis
Designing A Unified Architecture Graphics Processing Unit
Parallelism of MRT Lattice Boltzmann Method based on Multi-GPUs
Visual Detection of Stream Cipher Sequences on ZUC Algorithm
Integrated Flight and Propulsion Distributed Control System Simulation Platform Design
Analysis on Total Factor Productivity of Chinese Information Service Industry and Influencing Factors
A Kind of Seabed Seismic Data Acquisition Cell for Acoustic Measurement
An Unified Payment Method of Charging Piles Based on Blockchain
A New Method for Consistency Correction of Judgment Matrix in AHP
Coal Mine Lead-acid Battery Intelligent Charger
A Research on Interior Location of Improved Monte Carlo Algorithm Based on RSSI
A Base Sleep Mechanism for Minimizing Energy Cost
File Version Based Continuous Data Protection On Distributed Object
A Recommendation System Based on the Education Big Data for E-learning
Query Optimization Ways of DB2 to Improve Database Performance
Discrete curvature and torsion-based parameterization scheme for data points
Interval T-S fuzzy modeling based on minimizing 1-norm on approximation error
A Prediction Algorithm for Airfare Based on Time Series
Detecting Anomalous User Behavior in Database
A Novel Strategy to Improve the Performance of Speed And the Currentloopsfor Servo Control
Framework of Frequently Trajectory Extraction from AIS Data