On neutrino production of a charmed meson
B. Pire, L. Szymanowski and J. Wagner*
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: September 30, 2017
Published on: January 16, 2018
We calculate in the framework of the collinear QCD approach the amplitude for exclusive neutrino-production of a pseudoscalar charmed $D$ meson. This process allows to access gluon and both chiral-odd and chiral-even quark generalized parton distributions (GPDs), which contribute in specific ways to the amplitude for different polarization states of the $W$ boson. The energy dependence of the cross section allows to separate different contributions and the measurement of the azimuthal dependence helps to single out the transversity chiral-odd GPDs contributions. The flavor dependence, and in particular the difference between $D^+$ and $D^0$ production rates, allows to test the importance of gluonic contributions. The behaviour of the proton and neutron target cross sections enables to separate the $u$ and $d$ quark contributions. Planned medium and high energy neutrino facilities will thus allow some important progress in the realm of hadronic physics.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.297.0246
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