Towards small-x resummed parton distribution functions
M. Bonvini* and
L. Rottoli*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
December 29, 2017
Published on:
January 16, 2018
We present preliminary results for fits of parton distribution functions (PDFs) which include the resummation of small-$x$ logarithms at NLLx accuracy, performed in the NNPDF framework. We observe an improvement in the description of DIS data at small values of Bjorken $x$ when resummation effects are included. The improvement is more marked when comparing NNLO+NLLx fits to NNLO ones, and is particularly noticeable for small-$x$ and small-$Q^2$ HERA inclusive structure functions. The main effect of the resummation is an enhancement of the gluon and singlet PDFs at small-$x$, which persists at high scales.
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