Resummation for Top Quark Pair Production at the LHC
D. Scott*, M. Czakon, A. Ferroglia, D. Heymes, A. Mitov, B. Pecjak, X. Wang and L.L. Yang
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: November 21, 2017
Published on: January 16, 2018
In this talk we apply two factorisation theorems to top quark pair production at hadron colliders. The factorisation theorems allow for the resummation of threshold logarithms as well as the resummation of small-mass logarithms in the threshold limit. We combine these two resummed results performing a joint resummation and match to NNLO fixed order results yielding predictions for the pair invariant mass (PIM) and top quark \(p_T\) distributions at NNLO+NNLL\('\) accuracy. In particular we find the resummed results for the PIM distributions are much more stable with respect to the parametric choice of factorisation scale.
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