Since the memorable results from the EMC collaboration nearly thirty
years ago showed that the valence quark contribution to the spin of the proton
was consistent with zero, the question of how the proton spin arises from the
intrinsic spin and orbital angular momenta of its constituents has vexed the
scientific community. Despite significant experimental and theoretical
progress, it is clear that current facilities lack the precision and kinematic
range needed to fully address this question. A proposed high-luminosity
Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) with polarized electron and proton beams will have
the capability to pin down the intrinsic quark and gluon contributions as well
as address the orbital angular momentum. Measurements of the $g_{1}$ structure
function and its scaling violation will be the golden channel for probing the
quark and gluon spins. The gluon can also be accessed by tagging
photon-gluon fusion events using dijet final states. This talk will give an
overview of the dijet measurement as well as discuss general issues in jet
finding at an EIC.