Volume 296 - XII Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics (Modave2016) - XII Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics - 12-16 September 2016
The 4D on-shell 3-point amplitude in spinor-helicity formalism and BCFW recursion relations
A. Marzolla
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Pre-published on: May 17, 2017
Published on: July 17, 2017
Lecture notes on Poincaré-invariant scattering amplitudes and tree-level recursion relations in spinor-helicity formalism. We illustrate the non-perturbative constraints imposed over on-shell amplitudes by the Lorentz Little Group, and review how they completely fix the three-point amplitude involving either massless or massive particles. Then we present an introduction to tree-level BCFW recursion relations, and some applications for massless scattering, where the derived three-point amplitudes are employed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.296.0002
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