In this work, we focus on the ability of the present and future long baseline neutrino experiments to probe the A4 symmetry based Babu-Ma-Valle model, revamped by including a flavon field. We perform realistic simulations of the experiments DUNE and T2HK
and illustrate their potential to probe the model by considering two different set of best fit values. In particular, we show that the $3\sigma$ allowed spaces in the plane of CP phase and the atmospheric angle, point to a lower octant for maximal CP violation ($\delta_{cp} \sim -\pi/2$), while the scenario of CP conservation points to a higher octant of the atmospheric angle. We also analyze how the capability of reconstructing the value of the CP phase and the atmospheric angle get significantly modified within the model. Finally, we perform a comparative study for DUNE and T2HK in order to probe the model by doing a full parameter scan (fit-independent) of the CP phase and the atmospheric angle.