Construction of new DC muon beamline, MuSIC-RCNP, for muon applied science
D. Tomono*, M. Fukuda, K. Hatanaka, W. Higemoto, M. Ieiri, Y. Kawashima, Y. Kuno, T. Matsuzaki, M. Minakawa, Y. Miyake, Y. Nakazawa, K. Ninomiya, Y. Mori, S. Morinobu, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, K. Takahisa, A. Taniguchi, Y. Weichao and M. L. Wong
Pre-published on:
June 07, 2018
Published on:
June 18, 2018
A new DC muon beamline MuSIC was set up at the Research Centre for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University. The MuSIC beamline provides an intense low-energy muon beam with distinc- tive devices of superconducting solenoid magnets. A beamline commissioning and a feasibility study for $\mu$SR (Muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance) are in progress. In the commissioning, ∼10$^5$ count/(sec·1$\mu$A-proton) of negative muons and ∼10$^6$ count/(sec·1$\mu$A-proton) of positive muons were measured with TOF setup in the experimental port using 60 MeV/$c$ muon beam. The non-destructive elemental analyses and nuclear physics experiments with a negative muon beam have been recently started. In a feasibility study for μSR with a positive muon beam, we observed spin asymmetry spectra with a test sample in a magnetic field of 0.004 Tesla using a newly constructed $\mu$SR spectrometer.
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