Update on MOMENT Target Station Studies
N. Vassilopoulos* and H. Cai
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 25, 2018
Published on: June 18, 2018
The muon decay medium-baseline facility (MOMENT) is a high intensity neutrino beam proposed in China, aiming to measure leptonic CP-violation. The primary proton beam has 15 MW of power provided from an ADS type of linac, which poses a radiation challenge to a capture system that consists of an adiabatic superconductive solenoid from 14 T to 3 T, and a high power liquid or fluidized target located inside the main capture coil in order to maximize the pions capture and reduce their transverse momentum. Though the initial baseline is the liquid Hg-jet, a novel fluidized waterfall-like granular target is also being studied. In this paper, we present updated studies for the compact waterfall granular target concerning simulations done with discrete element method and particle physics Monte Carlo analyses. Our continuous aim is to calculate the optimal physical parameters of the waterfall in order to comply with the physics (captured meson and muon yields) requirements of MOMENT and to remove the heat efficiently.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.295.0090
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