T2K recent results of cross section measurements
C. Riccio* and On behalf of the T2K collaboration
Pre-published on:
December 24, 2017
Published on:
June 18, 2018
Modern neutrino oscillation experiments use complex nuclei as target, thus it is crucial to understand the neutrino-nucleus scattering since it affects the background estimation and energy reconstruction. Furthermore, neutrino oscillations physics is entered in the precision era, imposing to the accelerator neutrino experiments a reduction of systematic errors to the level of a few percent, even more in view of the measurement of the CP phase and of the mass hierarchy. Driven by this motivation, in the last decade there has been considerable theoretical and experimental activity in the investigation of neutrino-nucleus cross sections in the few GeV and sub-GeV energy regions, where the flux of the long and short baseline experiments are peaked. The T2K experiment is extremely active in this field providing useful informations for a deeper understanding of the neutrino-nucleus scattering. In this work, after a quick overview of the detector, the most recent cross-section results are discussed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.295.0064
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