T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment in Japan.
Its main physics motivation is the precise measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters ($\theta_{23},\Delta m^{2}_{23},\theta_{13},\delta_{CP}$) by $\nu_{\mu}$ disappearance and $\nu_{e}$ appearance.
Neutrino oscillation analysis requires precise understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions to predict event rates at the far detector.
ND280 is a near detector complex used to measure the neutrino beam before oscillation, which allows us to constrain uncertainties in the neutrino interaction and accelerator flux models.
In these proceedings, the neutrino-nucleus interaction model used in T2K's 2017 oscillation analysis and the result of a fit to the ND280 data are presented. A study of the robustness of the fit to the choice of neutrino interaction model will also be discussed.