Latest Results and Future Prospects from T2K
J. Kim* and  On behalf of the T2K collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 30, 2018
Published on: June 18, 2018
T2K is an experiment designed to observe neutrino oscillations with a baseline of 295 km across Japan from Tokai to Kamioka.
Its main goal is to measure oscillation parameters ($\theta_{23}$, $\Delta m^{2}_{32}$ and $\theta_{13}$) through $\nu_\mu$ ($\overline{\nu}_{\mu}$) disappearance and $\nu_e$ ($\overline{\nu}_e$) appearance. T2K reported the first measurement of a non-zero $\theta_{13}$ mixing angle and the most precise measurement of $\theta_{23}$. T2K also published recently its first result in the search for CP violation in neutrino oscillations combining appearance and disappearance channels for $\nu/\overline{\nu}$ beam. With reactor measurements, the CP conservation hypothesis is excluded at 90 \% C.L.

For precision measurements of neutrino oscillation, it is crucial to understand neutrino-nucleus interaction at few-GeV including nuclear effects. To achieve this, T2K published neutrino-nucleus cross-section measurements of various interaction channels at T2K off-axis (ND280) and on-axis (INGRID) near detectors. T2K has made measurements of the $\nu_\mu$ charged-current interaction without pions in the final state (CC0$\pi$) and with a single pion (CC1$\pi^+$) on carbon and oxygen. A new measurement of protons out of CC0$\pi$ interactions (CC0$\pi$Np), is expected to provide complementary precision for better understanding of nuclear effects.

In this paper, the latest oscillation and cross-section results using $14.7\times10^{20}$ of $\nu$-mode and
$7.56\times10^{20}$ protons-on-target (POT) of $\overline{\nu}$-mode data accumulated before June 2016 are reported.
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