Neutral charm mixing results from the Utfit collaboration
M. Bona*,
C. Alpigiani,
A. Bevan,
M. Ciuchini,
D. Derkach,
E. Franco,
L. Silvestrini,
V. Lubicz,
C. Tarantino,
F. Parodi,
G. Martinelli,
M. Pierini,
A. Stocchi and
V. Vagnoni*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
June 05, 2017
Published on:
June 13, 2017
We update here the analysis of $D$ meson mixing including the latest experimental results. We derive constraints on the parameters $M_{12}$, $\Gamma_{12}$ and $\Phi_{12}$ that describe $D$ meson mixing using all available data, allowing for CP violation. We also provide posterior distributions for observable parameters appearing in $D$ physics.
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