Summary of the CKM2016 working group on semileptonic and leptonic $B$ decays
B. Hamilton*,
A. Bharucha and
F. Bernlochner*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
June 05, 2017
Published on:
June 13, 2017
Semileptonic and leptonic decays of beauty hadrons provide important input to, and constraints on, the CKM unitarity triangle. In addition to standard model parameters, these can also probe the parameter space of new physics models which induce charged current transitions. In this summary, we present an overview of new work in this field as presented at the CKM2016 conference at TIFR in Mumbai, India. Topics include measurement of CKM elements and theoretical issues in their extraction, as well as the emerging work on new physics searches in the semileptonic decays to tau leptons from both experimental and theoretical perspectives.
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