5-9 September, 2016
Bologna, Italy
published February 28, 2017
Entries on ADS
Charm physics covers the studies of a range of composite particles containing charm quarks which provide unique opportunities for probing the strong and weak interactions in the standard model and beyond. Recently, a large variety of new results have been published, from the observation of new states to mixing and searches for CP violation. The purpose of CHARM 2016 is to review results in the field of charm physics, including the impact on and from theory, as well as projections for results to be expected from upcoming facilities.
conference main image
Charm Physics with Heavy Ions
Production and Spectroscopy with Charmonium and Exotic States
CP Violation, Mixing and Nonleptonic Decays
Leptonic, Semi-leptonic and Rare Decays
Multibody Hadronic Decays
Open Charm Production and Spectroscopy
Future Prospects
Parallel session: Charm Baryon Decays
Parallel session: Charmonium, Production and Exotics
Parallel session: CP Violation, Mixing and Nonleptonic Decays
Parallel session: Heavy Ions
Parallel session: Leptonic, Semi-leptonic and Rare Decays
Parallel session: Multibody Hadronic Decays
Experimental overview
M. Gersabeck
Theory overview
Charm Physics with Heavy Ions
Open charm physics with Heavy Ions: theoretical overview
A. Beraudo
Open charm physics with Heavy Ions: experimental results
A. Mischke
Charmonium physics with heavy ions: experimental results
E. Scomparin
Quarkonium evolution and suppression in a strongly-coupled quark-gluon plasma
Production and Spectroscopy with Charmonium and Exotic States
Charm production at HERA, proton structure, the charm mass, and Higgs Yukawa couplings
A. Geiser
Charmonia and Exotics from BESIII: spectroscopy and production
Y. Liang and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
CP Violation, Mixing and Nonleptonic Decays
CP Violation in nonleptonic two-body decays of D Mesons
P. Santorelli
Charm hadrons and lattice QCD
L. Riggio and G. Salerno
CP Violation and mixing in charm decays at LHCb
M.R.J. Williams and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
CP Violation, Mixing and nonleptonic decays at BESIII
M.G. Zhao and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Leptonic, Semi-leptonic and Rare Decays
Rare decays at LHCb
M. Fontana and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Leptonic, semileptonic and rare charm decays at the BES-III experiment
G. Rong and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Multibody Hadronic Decays
Amplitude analyses with charm decays at $e^{+} e^{-}$ machines
J. Bennett and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Quantum coherent measurements
R. Briere
Theory overview on amplitude analyses with charm decays
B. Loiseau
Amplitude analyses with charm decays at LHCb
A. Correa dos Reis and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Open Charm Production and Spectroscopy
Open charm Production and Spectroscopy at B-factories
B. Pal and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Open charm production and spectroscopy at ATLAS and CMS
G.W.S. Hou and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Future Prospects
Status and charm physics prospects from PANDA
G. Boca and  on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration
Charm Physics Prospects at Belle II
A. Schwartz and  On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
CHARM 2016: Theory Summary
S. Fajfer
Parallel session: Charm Baryon Decays
Study of decay $\psi(1S,2S) \rightarrow$ baryon pairs at BESIII
J. Jiao and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Charmed baryons at LHCb
First observation of doubly-Cabibbo- suppressed decay in the baryon sector at Belle:$\Lambda_{c}^{+} \rightarrow p K^{+}\pi^{-}$
K. Tanida and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Parallel session: Charmonium, Production and Exotics
Properties of J/psi in light quark matter
M. Cleven, V. Magas and A. Ramos
From $J/\psi$ to LHCb pentaquarks
F. Fernández González, P.G. Ortega, D. Rodríguez Entem and J. Segovia
Studies of charmonium decays at BESIII
Study of inclusive charmonium production in $e^{+} e^{-}$ annihilation and B decays at BABAR
Conventional versus unconventional nature of X(3915)
P. Gonzalez
Production of charmed baryons and mesons in antiproton-proton annihilation
J. Haidenbauer
Charm jet identification at the CMS experiment
S. Moortgat and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Charm production in pp collisions at 5 and 13 TeV at LHCb
D. Muller and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Multiquarks and exotics in the heavy-hadron spectra
A. Valcarce, J. Vijande and T. Fernández Caramés
Associated $J$/$\psi$ production measurements at ATLAS
B. Weinert and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Study of three-body charmonium decays in BABAR
S. Emery and  On behalf of the B A B AR collaboration
Non-$D\overline{D}$ decays of $\psi(3770)$ at BESIII
J. Zhao and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Parallel session: CP Violation, Mixing and Nonleptonic Decays
Mixing and indirect CPV using 2-body decays at LHCb
P. Marino and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Charmed Meson Scattering from Lattice QCD
G. Moir and  on behalf of the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration
Mixing using multi-body decays at LHCb
S. Reichert and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Searches for CPV in $D^+$ decays at LHCb
S. Stracka and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Measurements of CP asymmetries of $D^{+} \rightarrow K^{0}_{S,L} X$ at BESIII
W. Zheng and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Parallel session: Heavy Ions
Production of pentaquarks in pA-collisions
I. Schmidt and M. Siddikov
Hadronic transitions above 4 GeV at BESIII
Parallel session: Leptonic, Semi-leptonic and Rare Decays
Search for $D^{0}$ Decays to Invisible Final States at Belle
Y.T. Lai and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Search for low-mass new physics at BESIII
F. Li and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
$D_s^+$ physics at BESIII
Parallel session: Multibody Hadronic Decays
Amplitude analysis of $D^{0} \rightarrow \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$ decays using CLEO-c data
P. D'argent, J. Benton, J.P. Dalseno, E.M. Gersabeck, S. Harnew, P. Naik, C. Prouve, J. Rademacker and N. Skidmore
Multi-Meson Model applied to $D^+ \to K^+ K^- K^+$
P. Magalhaes, R.T. Aoude, A.C. dos Reis and M.R. Robilotta
Coupled-channel Dalitz plot analysis of $D^+\to K^- \pi^+\pi^+$ decay
S. Nakamura
Measurement of $CP$ asymmetries in $D^0 \rightarrow hh$ decays
E.M. Gersabeck and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration