APCS2016 - (other apcs conferences)
5-10 September 2016
Saint Petersburg, Russia
published May 16, 2018
Entries on ADS

Accretion is a universal phenomenon that takes place in the vast majority of astrophysical objects. The progress of ground-based and space-borne observational facilities has resulted in the great amount of information on various accreting astrophysical objects, collected within the last decades. The accretion is accompanied by the process of extensive energy release that takes place on the surface of an accreting object and in various gaseous envelopes, accretion disk, jets and other elements of the flow pattern. The results of observations inspired the intensive development of accretion theory, which, in turn, enabled us to study unique properties of accreting objects and physical conditions in the surrounding environment. One of the most interesting outcomes of this intensive study is the fact that accretion processes are, in a sense, self-similar on various spatial scales from planetary systems to galaxies. This fact gives us new opportunities to investigate objects that, by various reasons, are not available for direct study.

Cataclysmic variable stars are unique natural laboratories where one can conduct the detailed observational study of accretion processes and accretion disks. This is the main reason why several participants and a few members of the Organizing Committee of the conference «The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects – III» (September 7-12, 2015, Palermo, Italy) have decided to hold a special conference, focused on accretion processes, as a branch of that series.

Main topics:

Young Stellar Objects, protoplanetary discs, exoplanets in binary stars

Accretion on white dwarfs (Cataclysmic variables and related objects)

Accretion on neutron stars (X-ray Binary Systems and related objects)

Accretion on black holes (stellar BH and AGN)

The workshop will include a few 35-minute general review talks to introduce the current problems, and 20-minute talks to discuss new experimental and theoretical results. A series of 15-minute talks will discuss the ongoing and planned ground-based and space-based experiments. There will also be some general talks about the future directions of scientific research on cosmic sources. The papers will pass a peer-review process and the workshop proceedings will be edited by Franco Giovannelli & Lola Sabau-Graziati.

The location of the workshop is the Ambassador Hotel, located in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, a venue that will provide a friendly and collaborative atmosphere.

conference main image
Opening Remarks
Ongoing Experiments
Special Night Session
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
Opening Remarks
Accretion Processes in Astrophysics: The State of Art
F. Giovannelli and L. Sabau-Graziati
The INTEGRAL High Energy Survey: the Accretion Driven Sky
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P. Ubertini
Simulations of accretion flows in cosmic sources
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D. Bisikalo
The AAVSO as a Resource for Research
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S. Kafka
Detecting Gravitation-Wave Memory with LIGO
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P. Lasky
Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events
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L. Natalucci
The Impact of the Indian X-ray satellite, AstroSat, on Accretion Processes in Cosmic Sources
Some dynamical similarities among protostellar, AGN, and CV disks
Protoplanetary Disks – A Review
T. Hanawa
Turbulence in Accretion and Protoplanetary Disks
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E. Kurbatov
Observations of Protoplanetary Disks with Subaru
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S. Mayama
Accretion on Exoplanets – Formation of Primordial Atmospheres
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V. Shematovich
The Effect of Coronal Mass Ejection on the Atmosphere of a Hot-Jupiter Exoplanet
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A. Cherenkov
H2 shocks and mass accretion rate in high mass young stellar objects (HMYSOs)
P. Persi and M. Tapia
Accretion Processes in Massive Star Formation
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K. Tanaka
Mass Accretion Rates of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars
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G. De Marchi
Disks Around Young Stars
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V. Grinin
Accretion physics in T Tauri stars
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A.I. Gomez de Castro
Accretion Processes in CV AM CVn SDSS J090221.35+381941.9
M.M. Montgomery
Accretion-induced variability links young stellar objects, white dwarfs, and black holes
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E. Aranzana Martinez
Flows and Shocks: Some Recent Developments in Symbiotic Star and Nova Research
J. Sokoloski, S. Lawrence, A.P.S. Crotts and K. Mukai
SALT Observations of Accretion Driven Systems
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D. Buckley
ACCRETION PROCESSES IN COSMIC SOURCES: The Atmospheres of Accreting White Dwarfs
E. Sion and P. Godon
Properties of the accretion flow in the Dwarf Novae HL CMa from the properties of the aperiodic variability of its brightness
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A. Semena
Long Term Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables
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G. Shaviv
Explosive Magnetorotational Instability in Keplerian Disks
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E. Liverts
Accretion and Outflows in Accreting White Dwarf Binaries
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S. Balman
Magnetic white dwarfs with debris disks
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J. Isern
Accretion on WD, Observations of Polars
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P. Mason
Features of the Mass Transfer in the Cataclysmic Variable AE Aqr
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P.B. Isakova
Numerical modeling of accretion in EX Hya
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A. Zhilkin
Bow-shocks in disks of young binary systems
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A. Fateeva
Experimental Indicators of Accretion Processes in Active Galactic Nuclei
A. Eckart, M. Valencia-S., B. Shahzamanian, M. Zajacek, L. Moser, G. Busch, M. Parsa, M. Subroweit, F. Peissker, N. Sabha, S.E. Hosseini, M. Horrobin, C. Straubmeier, N. Fazeli, A. Borkar, D. Kunneriath, V. Karas, C. Rauch, S. Britzen, A. Zensus, M. Garcia-Marin and Y.E. Rashed
Extracting black-hole rotational energy
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M. Abramowicz
Discovery of Repetitive Optical Variation Patterns from the Accretion Disk During the 2015 Outbursts of the Black Hole X-Ray Binary V404 Cyg
M. Kimura, K. Isogai, T. Kato, Y. Ueda, S. Nakahira, M. Shidatsu, T. Enoto, T. Hori, D. Nogami, C. Littlefield, R. Ishioka, A. Imada, M. Uemura, E. Pavlenko and A. Pozanenko
Be-BH Systems – A Review
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J. Ziolkowski
Time lag in transient cosmic accreting sources
G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan and F. Giovannelli
Gamma Ray Emission from Accreting Binaries
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R. Zanin
Magnetically driven transient phenomena in accretion driven systems: New breakthroughs with meerKAT and CTA?
P. Meintjes
Wind Accretion - Observations Vs Theory
N.I. Shakura and K. Postnov
Accretion Processes on X-ray pulsars
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N. Ikhsanov
Extremely-long period X-ray pulsars
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N. Beskrovnaya
Millisecond pulsar formation in high-mass X-ray binaries
W. Kluzniak
The OJ 287 black hole binary: witness of the validity of the General Relativity
S. Ciprini
Star-jet interactions in AGNs
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V. De La Cita
Ultraluminous X-ray sources. Optical data.
S.N. Fabrika
KYNREFREV - Implementation of an X-ray Reverberation Model in XSPEC
M. Caballero-Garcia, I.E. Papadakis, E. Kara, V. Karas, M. Dovciak, A. Epitropakis and J. Svoboda
Accretion onto Symbiotic Variables
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J. Mikolajewska
3D Models of Symbiotic Binaries
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S. Mohamed
Superhumps in SU UMA Dwarf Novae
Galactic and extragalactic novae - A Review
R. Poggiani
High resolution X-ray spectra of classical and recurrent novae
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M. Orio
Disc-Stream Interaction in Semidetached Binaries
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P. Kaygorodov
Introducing Octo-tiger/HPX: Simulating Interacting Binaries with Adaptive Mesh Refinement and the Fast Multipole Method
D. Marcello, K. Kadam, G.C. Clayton, J. Frank, H. Kaisar and P. Motl
Accretion-Outflow Activity in Herbig Ae/Be Stars
L. Tambovtseva and V. Grinin
Observing polarimetric variability from CVs to BLAZARS
S. Potter
Ongoing Experiments
WSO-UV core program on accretion physics and high energy source
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M. Sachkov
Geographical Delocalization of FITS Data in MongoDB Environment
B.L. Martino, F. Guglietta, F. Reale and G. Patria
Special Night Session
Global Warming, Global Warming Pause and the Role of CO2
G. Shaviv
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
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J. Sokoloski
Concluding Remarks
D. Bisikalo
Concluding Remarks
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P. Mason
Concluding Remarks
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J. Ziolkowski
Concluding Address
Accretion Processes in Astrophysics: Concluding Address
F. Giovannelli