Measurement of the CKM angle γ at LHCb
S. Malde* on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Pre-published on:
February 06, 2017
Published on:
April 19, 2017
The CKM angle $\gamma$ is the least well known angle of the unitarity triangle, and the only one easily accessible at tree level. The ultimate goal of degree level precision requires exploitation of all possible channels and techniques. Presented here are some of the latest results on the CKM angle $\gamma$ from the LHCb experiment. Included are measurements of {\it CP} violation using the $B^\pm \to D K^\pm$ decays and a variety of different $D$ decay modes, and a measurement $\gamma$ from $B^0 \to DK^{*0}$ where the $D$ decays to either $K_s^0\pi^+\pi^-$ or $K_s^0K^+K^-$. A combination of these and other $\gamma$-related measurements is also presented.
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