PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 282 - 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2016) - Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
CP asymmetries in $D$ decays to two pseudoscalars
U. Nierste* and S. Schacht
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: February 06, 2017
Published on: April 19, 2017
This talk addresses two topics related to CP asymmetries
in $D$ meson decays to two pseudoscalar mesons. First I discuss
how new physics can be distinguished from the Standard Model
through two sum rules relating three direct CP asymmetries each,
using the sum rule correlating $D^0\to K^+K^-$, $D^0\to \pi^+
\pi^-$, and $D^0\to \pi^0 \pi^0$ for illustration. The other sum
rule involves $a_{CP}^{\mathrm{dir}}(D^+\rightarrow
\bar{K}^0K^+)$, $a_{CP}^{\mathrm{dir}}(D_s^+\rightarrow
K^0\pi^+)$, and $a_{CP}^{\mathrm{dir}}(D_s^+\to K^+ \pi^0)$. The
second topic is the direct CP asymmetry in the decay $D^0 \to K_S
K_S$, which is expected to be large in the Standard Model for two
reasons: Flavor-SU(3) symmetry suppresses the tree amplitude which
enhances the crucial ``penguin-to-tree'' ratio and the ``penguin''
amplitude is dominated by the tree-level $W$ boson exchange
between $c$ and $u$ quarks. We find that $|a_{CP}^{\mathrm{dir}}
(D^0 \to K_S K_S)|$
can be as large as $1.1 \%$ in the Standard Model. We advocate
$D^0 \to K_S K_S$ as a discovery channel for charm CP violation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.282.0527
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