FPCP2016 - (other fpcp conferences)
6-9 June 2016
Caltech, Pasadena CA, USA
published January 12, 2017
Entries on ADS
The 2016 edition of the Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation was held at on the campus of the California Institute of Technology on 6-9 June. The FPCP conference series was founded in 2002 through the merger of the Heavy Flavor (HF) and B Physics and CP Violation (BPCP) conference series.
conference main image
Monday 1
Monday 2
Monday 3
Monday 4
Tuesday 1
Tuesday 2
Tuesday 3
Tuesday 4
Wednesday 1
Wednesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 1
Thursday 2
Thursday 3
Thursday 4
Poster session
Monday 1
Experimental review on the Unitarity Triangle angles $\alpha$(φ2) and $\beta$(φ1)
F. Anulli and  On behalf of the B A B AR collaboration
Improving the determination of β (φ1)
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S. Gardner
Experimental Overview of φ3
I. Watson and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Monday 2
Experimental review of B_s decays at the LHC
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Y. Amhis
Rare decays
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M. Borsato
Experimental review of three-body hadronic B meson decays
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R.S. Coutinho
Monday 3
Charmless non-leptonic B decays
J. Virto
Recent experimental results for semileptonic B decays
S. Hirose and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
The B → D(∗)τν¯ & B → τν¯ decays - Theoretical status thereof
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M. Freytsis
Monday 4
Semileptonic D decays
H. Ma and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Radiative and EW Penguin B decays: Experimental results
J. Walsh
New physics in semileptonic B decays (?)
B. Capdevila, S. Descotes-genon, L. Hofer, J. Matias and J. Virto
Tuesday 1
Hadronic charmed meson & baryon decays
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H. Muramatsu
Recent results on b-baryon states and lifetimes
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S.R. Blusk
The 750 GeV excess: New physics or fluctation?
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K.Z. Zurek
Tuesday 2
Lattice QCD for the CKM matrix
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R. Van de Water
Calculation of ε'/ε on the lattice
C. Kelly and  on behalf of RBC and UKQCD Collaborations
Rare kaon decay experiments
T. Yamanaka
Tuesday 3
The Fermilab g-2 experiment
T. Bowcock
Measurement of R value - direct and ISR
Status of g-2 (Standard Model) theory
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T. Izubuchi
Tuesday 4
New Physics search in rare $\tau$ decays at Belle and prospects at Belle II
N. Shimizu and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Determinations of V_us from Hadronic τ Decay Data
K. Maltman, R.J. Hudspith, R. Lewis, T. Izubuchi, H. Ohki and J. Zanotti
SuperKEKB and Belle II status
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E. Paoloni
Wednesday 1
Higgs properties
J. Brandstetter and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Top quark properties
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P.M. Kumar
Beyond Standard Model searches at LHC
Wednesday 2
Light Higgs and Dark Sector searches
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C. Hearty
Dark Matter searches
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H. Nelson
Status of Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) searches
B. Filippone
Wednesday 3
The $\mu$$\rightarrow$$e$$\gamma$ final search with MEG and the MEG-II status
G. Cavoto
Searches for Muon to Electron Conversion
R. Bonventre and  On behalf of the Mu2e Collaboration
Neutrinoless double beta decay
J. Albert
Thursday 1
Experimental review of pentaquarks and tetraquarks
Light quark spectroscopy at BESIII
F. Liu and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Spectroscopy theory: Surprises and opportunities
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E. Eichten
Thursday 2
Neutrino experiments at nuclear reactors
J. Napolitano,  on behalf of the Daya Bay collaboration and  on behalf of the PROSPECT Collaboration
Accelerator neutrino experiments
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L. Suter
Neutrino theory
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A. de Gouvea
Thursday 3
ATLAS/CMS upgrades
Y. Horii and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
LHCb upgrade plans
L. Gavardi
LBNF/DUNE and the hunt for leptonic CP violation
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M. Bishai
Thursday 4
Experimental summary
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A. Bevan
Theory summary
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T. Mannel
Poster session
A New Gold Standard of the Weak Phase $\beta$ Obtained by Combined B A B AR +Belle $CP$ Violation Measurements of $\overline{B^0}$$\rightarrow$$D$$^{(*)}_{CP}$$h^0$ Decays
M. Roehrken