Sessions |
Monday 1 |
Monday 2 |
Monday 3 |
Monday 4 |
Tuesday 1 |
Tuesday 2 |
Tuesday 3 |
Tuesday 4 |
Wednesday 1 |
Wednesday 2 |
Wednesday 3 |
Thursday 1 |
Thursday 2 |
Thursday 3 |
Thursday 4 |
Poster session |
Monday 1 |
Experimental review on the Unitarity Triangle angles $\alpha$(φ2) and $\beta$(φ1)
Improving the determination of β (φ1)
Experimental Overview of φ3
Monday 2 |
Experimental review of B_s decays at the LHC
Rare decays
Experimental review of three-body hadronic B meson decays
Monday 3 |
Charmless non-leptonic B decays
Recent experimental results for semileptonic B decays
The B → D(∗)τν¯ & B → τν¯ decays - Theoretical status thereof
Monday 4 |
Semileptonic D decays
Radiative and EW Penguin B decays: Experimental results
New physics in semileptonic B decays (?)
Tuesday 1 |
Hadronic charmed meson & baryon decays
Recent results on b-baryon states and lifetimes
The 750 GeV excess: New physics or fluctation?
Tuesday 2 |
Lattice QCD for the CKM matrix
Calculation of ε'/ε on the lattice
Rare kaon decay experiments
Tuesday 3 |
The Fermilab g-2 experiment
Measurement of R value - direct and ISR
Status of g-2 (Standard Model) theory
Tuesday 4 |
New Physics search in rare $\tau$ decays at Belle and prospects at Belle II
Determinations of V_us from Hadronic τ Decay Data
SuperKEKB and Belle II status
Wednesday 1 |
Higgs properties
Top quark properties
Beyond Standard Model searches at LHC
Wednesday 2 |
Light Higgs and Dark Sector searches
Dark Matter searches
Status of Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) searches
Wednesday 3 |
The $\mu$$\rightarrow$$e$$\gamma$ final search with MEG and the MEG-II status
Searches for Muon to Electron Conversion
Neutrinoless double beta decay
Thursday 1 |
Experimental review of pentaquarks and tetraquarks
Light quark spectroscopy at BESIII
Spectroscopy theory: Surprises and opportunities
Thursday 2 |
Neutrino experiments at nuclear reactors
Accelerator neutrino experiments
Neutrino theory
Thursday 3 |
ATLAS/CMS upgrades
LHCb upgrade plans
LBNF/DUNE and the hunt for leptonic CP violation
Thursday 4 |
Experimental summary
Theory summary
Poster session |
A New Gold Standard of the Weak Phase $\beta$ Obtained by Combined B A B AR +Belle $CP$ Violation Measurements of $\overline{B^0}$$\rightarrow$$D$$^{(*)}_{CP}$$h^0$ Decays