16-18 May 2016
Pisa, Italy
published October 07, 2016
Entries on ADS

LHCpp2016 is the seventh edition of the Italian workshop on LHC physics with proton beams. This series of meetings was born in Pisa in 2003 with the aim of stimulating the exchange of ideas among the experimental communities of ATLAS, CMS and LHCB, together with the theoretical community. A key feature of these meetings is that many talks are prepared by small groups formed by members of the experiments and theorists. Much space in the preparation and presentation of the talks is given to young researchers. This seventh edition, which was held again Pisa, was focused on the discovery potential of data collected during the run II of the LHC.

Introductory session
Session 1: Beyond the Standard Model
Session 2: Flavour physics
Session 3: The Higgs Boson
Session 4: Standard Model
Closing session
Introductory session
Keynote talk: the LHC Run 2 and BSM phenomenology
A. Wulzer
Session 1: Beyond the Standard Model
Search for two-body resonances (experiment)
R. Radogna and R. Turra
Search for two-body resonances (theory)
D. Buttazzo
Search for Dark Matter (experiment)
M. Tosi and V. Ippolito
Search for signatures with top, bottom, tau and exotics
L. Longo, A. Favareto and C. Galloni
Session 2: Flavour physics
Beauty and charm rare decays
S. Fiorendi, F. Dettori and U. De Sanctis
CKM matrix and CP violation in charm and beauty
M. Bona, A. Contu, G. Fedi and M.J. Morello
Exotic states (X,Y,Z, pentaquark, ecc)
M. Pappagallo, L. Cristella and S. Palestini
Session 3: The Higgs Boson
Higgs boson properties (theory)
Higgs boson properties in the Standard Model
G. Mancini and R. Covarelli
Higgs boson and quark top: measurements and searches at LHC
L. Bianchini and M. Pinamonti
Higgs boson searches beyond the Standard Model
P. Francavilla and C. Caputo
Higgs boson searches in exotics scenarios
M. Pelliccioni and F. Cirotto
Session 4: Standard Model
Electroweak processes at Run 2
M. Spalla, F. Cossutti and L. Sestini
QCD and Jets
L. Anderlini, M. Bauce and D. Ciangottini
Electroweak corrections
S. Uccirati
Top physics
A. Iorio, S. Bifani and M. Franchini
Parton Distribution Functions
S. Carrazza and Z. Kassabov
Closing session
The future of accelerator-based physics after LHC
F. Bedeschi