Theory of hard probes in PbPb collisions
Pre-published on:
September 30, 2016
Published on:
March 28, 2017
The jet quenching phenomenon in heavy ion collisions provides a strong evidence of the modification of parton shower in the quark-gluon plasma. This contribution focuses on the hard probes of QGP using jets and summarizes the new theoretical progress of jet substructure modification studies using effective field theory techniques. We emphasize the important role of jet substructure observables as they probe various aspects of the jet formation mechanism and allow us to study the medium properties in great details. The precise calculations require the systematic resummation and consistently including medium modifications. Specifically, we discuss the calculations of jet shapes and cross sections in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at the LHC using soft-collinear effective theory, with Glauber gluon interactions in the medium. In the end we present the comparison between our calculations and the recent measurements at the LHC with very good agreement. We conclude that precise jet modification studies in heavy ion collisions has been initiated.
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