HEASA 2016 - (other heasa conferences)
25 - 27 August, 2016
South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), Cape Town, South Africa
published June 23, 2017
Entries on ADS

HEASA 2016 is the fourth conference in the annual series "High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa". Its goal is to bring together scientists from the southern African region, the African continent, and around the world, with an interest in high-energy astrophysical phenomena. Topics discussed include theoretical, multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observational aspects of active galactic nuclei, galaxy systems, gamma-ray bursts, X-ray/gamma-ray binaries, supernovae and supernova remnants, neutron stars, pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae, cataclysmic variables, and modern aspects of astro-particle physics.



Neil Gehrels (b. October 3, 1952, d. February 6, 2017)

We are deeply saddened that Neil Gehrels, a pioneer in gamma-ray astronomy and an invited speaker at HEASA 2016, passed away on February 6, 2017 at his home in Maryland, USA.  Neil was well known for his leadership role in space-based gamma-ray observatories, especially as the Project Scientist of NASA’s Swift mission.  He also lent support to many ground-based robotic optical telescopes across the world to promptly follow up on gamma-ray bursts and other transient events.

Neil accepted immediately when he was invited to give a talk at the HEASA 2016 conference in Cape Town. We are very fortunate indeed that he managed to travel to South Africa and give a wonderful talk.  His absence will be felt dearly among the space-based astronomy community as well as ground-based transient follow-up communities across the world.  This is indeed a great loss for us.

Transients I (Chair: S Razzaque)
Transients II (Chair: B van Soelen)
Supernova Remnants (Chair: B van Soelen)
Astropartical Physics and Cosmology (Chair: Iu Sushch)
AGN I (Chair: M Bottcher)
AGN II (Chair: M Backes)
Multiwavelength Observations (Chair: D Buckley)
X-Ray Binaries I (Chair: D Buckley)
X-Ray Binaries II (Chair: A Chen)
X-Ray Binaries III (Chair: P Meintjes)
Pulsars and Pulsar Wind Nebulae (Chair: P Meintjes)
Transients I (Chair: S Razzaque)
GRBs in the Era of Rapid Response Telescopes
J.K. Cannizzo and N. Gehrels
Transient Observations with the Watcher Robotic Telescope
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L. Hanlon
Modeling GeV to Very High Energy Emission from Long GRBs
J. Joshi and S. Razzaque
Fermi Observations of the Bright LAT GRB 160625B
F.F. Dirirsa and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Transients II (Chair: B van Soelen)
Gamma-Gamma Absorption in Gamma-Ray Burst Environments
L. Dreyer and M. Böttcher
Challenges for GW detection and the GW astronomy perspectives
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N. Bishop
Binary Black Hole Merger Rates from the Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Source Progenitors
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S. Razzaque
Supernova Remnants (Chair: B van Soelen)
High-Energy Observations of Supernova remnants
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N. Komin
Astropartical Physics and Cosmology (Chair: Iu Sushch)
Multi-wavelength emissions from dark matter annihilation processes in galaxy clusters using cosmological simulations
R.R. Mekuria, S. Colafrancesco, A. Faltenbacher and P. Marchegiani
Multi-frequency search for Dark Matter: the role of HESS, CTA, and SKA
G. Beck and S. Colafrancesco
The effects of EBL inhomogeneity on the gamma-gamma absorption of VHE gamma-rays
H. Abdalla and M. Böttcher
The origin of radio relics in galaxy clusters: a combined $\gamma$ and radio wavelength analysis.
C.M. Paulo, S. Colafrancesco and P. Marchegiani
Shock Acceleration in the Cluster of Galaxies ACO2163
N. Mhlahlo, L. Guennou and L. Feretti
The SZ Effect and its Polarization at High Energies
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M.S. Emritte, S. Colafrancesco and P. Marchegiani
Gravitational light bending prevents gamma-gamma absorption in gravitational lenses
H. Thiersen and M. Böttcher
AGN I (Chair: M Bottcher)
Multi-wavelength Behavior of Blazars: Combined Order and Disorder
A. Marscher
Connection between VHE events and parsec-scale jet behavior in the TeV quasars 1222+216
S.G. Jorstad, A. Marscher, I.S. Troitskiy, V.M. Larionov, D.A. Morozova and M.A. Gurwell
Prospects for very high energy observations of Starburst/Seyfert galaxies
A. Chen, N. Shafi and S. Colafrancesco
Characterising the Fermi-LAT BCUs: Optical Spectroscopy and Neural Networks
B. van Soelen, J.P. Marais, R. Britto, G. Chiaro, L. Klindt, P. Meintjes and D. Salvetti
Modeling the Synchrotron Emission of AGN with Grid-Based Hydrodynamic Simulations
I. van der Westhuizen, B. van Soelen and P. Meintjes
Observations of Flaring Fermi-LAT Blazars and Prospects in Spectro-Polarimetry with SALT-RSS
R. Britto, J.P. Marais, P. Meintjes, B. van Soelen, M. Böttcher, D. Buckley, S. Crawford and A. Rajoelimanana
AGN II (Chair: M Backes)
Robopol : Optical polarisation monitoring of blazars
E. Angelakis, D.A. Blinov, M. Böttcher, T. Hovatta, S. Kiehlmann, I. Myserlis, V. Pavlidou and A. Zensus
The Optical Polarization Variability of PKS 2155-304: Correlations at Low and High Energies
N. Pekeur, R. Taylor and R.C. Kraan-Korteweg
Multiwavelength Signatures of Shocks in Relativistic Jets
M. Böttcher, M. Baring and E. Summerlin
Multiwavelength Observations (Chair: D Buckley)
Synergies between radio astronomy, Intensive Data challenges and scientific output strategies
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R. Taylor
The VOICE Survey : VST Optical Imaging of the CDFS and ES1 Fields
M. Vaccari, G. Covone, M. Radovich, A. Grado, L. Limatola, M.T. Botticella, E. Cappellaro, M. Paolillo, G. Pignata, D. De Cicco, S. Falocco, L. Marchetti, M. Brescia, S. Cavuoti, G. Longo, M. Capaccioli, N. Napolitano and P. Schipani
SALT Observations of High Energy Sources
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T. Williams
MeerLICHT: An Update
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K. Paterson
The African Millimetre Telescope
M. Backes, C. Müller, J.E. Conway, R. Deane, R. Evans, H. Falcke, R. Fraga-Encinas, C. Goddi, M. Klein Wolt, T. Krichbaum, G. MacLeod, V.A.R.M. Ribeiro, F. Roelofs, Z.Q. Shen and H.J. van Langevelde
X-Ray Binaries I (Chair: D Buckley)
Cataclysmic variables: New frontiers in multi-wavelength research
A. Odendaal and P. Meintjes
X-Ray Binaries II (Chair: A Chen)
X-Ray Binary Systems – A Cauldron of Physical Processes
F. Giovannelli
Magnetic reconnection and transient phenomena in accretion driven systems
P. Meintjes
Time Resolved Polarimetry of the First White Dwarf Pulsar
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D. Buckley
A Multiwavelength Survey of the Magellanic Clouds
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T. Joseph
A Luminous Gamma-ray Binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud
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L. Townsend
Multi-Wavelength Properties of Be/XRay Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds
A. Rajoelimanana, P. Meintjes and P. Charles
X-Ray Binaries III (Chair: P Meintjes)
The Impact of Gamma-Gamma Absorption on the Observed TeV Light Curve from PSR B1259-63/LS2883
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I. Sushch
Exploring the Kozai-Lidov Effect in a Gamma-Ray Binary
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V. McBride
Orbitally Modulated High Energy Emission from Millisecond Pulsar Binaries
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Z. Wadiasingh
Pulsars and Pulsar Wind Nebulae (Chair: P Meintjes)
New Advances in the Modelling of Pulsar Magnetospheres
C. Venter
Identifying the brightest galactic globular clusters for future observations by H.E.S.S. and CTA
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H. Davids
High-energy pulsar light curves in an offset polar cap B-field geometry
M. Barnard, C. Venter and A.K. Harding
A Spatio-Temporal and EnergyDependent PWN Model
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C. van Rensuburg