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Oral Contributions |
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Measurement of the proton form factor at very low Q2
Extension of the ratio method to low energy
Progress in Light Hadron Spectroscopy
Transition form factor of the $^4$ He(0+) monopole resonance
Early Stages of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Forward neutron production in fragmentation of high - energy heavy nuclei
Computing for the LHC: operations during Run2 and getting ready for Run 3
Performance of the ALICE secondary vertex b-tagging algorithm in p-Pb collisions
K- multi-nucleon absorption processes in hadronic interaction studies
XYZ studies at BESIII
PANDA Forward Spectrometer Calorimeter
Study of the $^2H(p,γ)^3He$ reaction in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis energy range at LUNA
Electron identification and hadron contamination studies in proton-proton collisions with ALICE
Determination of the analysing power for the $\vec p$$p$ $\rightarrow pp\eta$ reaction using WASA-at-COSY detector system
Oral Contributions |
Experimental Tests of Charge Symmetry Breaking in Hypernuclei
No Low-Lying Nuclear Vibrations: Configuration Dependent Pairing and Axial Asymmetry
Recent results on soft QCD topics from ATLAS,
Beyond the isobar model: Rescattering in the system of three particles.
Measurement of the Beam Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry of $^{12}$C
Charm Physics at BESIII
Proton-proton and Lambda-proton correlations measured in p+Nb collisions at 3.5 GeV with HADES
DEPFET Pixel Detector for Belle II
Measurements of heavy flavours with the ALICE experiment at LHC
Exotic quarkonimum states in CMS
Symmetry unrestricted Skyrme mean-field study of heavy nuclei
Quasi-free one-nucleon Knockout Reactions on neutron-rich Oxygen Isotopes
Measurements of $^{12}$C ions fragmentation cross sections on a thin gold target with the FIRST apparatus
Symmetry energy and density
Internal Target Experiments at the MESA accelerator
From the Coulomb breakup of halo nuclei to neutron radiative capture
Hydrodynamic modeling of a pure-glue initial scenario in high-energy hadron and heavy-ion collisions
Results from ATLAS and CMS: Strong Interactions and New Physics
The EOS of neutron matter and the effect of $\Lambda$ hyperons to neutron star structure
Results from CMS and ATLAS: Electroweak Symmetry, Breaking and Beyond