Population III X-Ray Binaries
T. Ryu*, T. Tanaka and R. Perna
Pre-published on:
September 03, 2017
Published on:
November 15, 2017
Understading of the role of X-rays for driving the thermal evolution of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at high redshifts is one of important questions in astrophysics. High-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in early stellar populations are prime X-ray source; however, their formation efficiency is not well understood. Using N-body simulations, we estimate the HMXB formation rate via mutual gravitational interactions of nascent, small groups of the Population III stars. We find that HMXBs form at a rate of one per $\gtrsim 10^4$M${}_{\odot}$ in newly born stars, and that they emit with a power of $\sim 10^{41}$erg s${}^{-1}$ in the 2−10 keV band per star formation rate (SFR). This value is a factor $\sim 10^2$ larger than what is observed in star forming galaxies at lower redshifts; the X-ray production from early HMXBs would have been even more copious, if they also formed in situ or via migration in protostellar disks. Combining our results with earlier studies suggests that early HMXBs were highly effective at heating the IGM and leaving a strong 21 cm signature. We discuss broader implications of our results, such as the rate of long gamma-ray bursts from Population III stars and the direct collapse channel for massive black hole formation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.269.0040
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