BASH2015 - (other bash conferences)
18-20 October
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
published July 14, 2016
Entries on ADS

The University of Texas at Austin Department of Astronomy and McDonald Observatory will be hosting the sixth biennial Frank N. Bash Symposium on the topic of New Horizons in Astronomy, October 18-20, 2015, on The University of Texas at Austin campus. This meeting will bring together young researchers at the cutting edge of astronomy and astrophysics, to promote the exchange of research ideas and visions for the future of astronomy. The symposium will focus on invited review talks, and will include discussions and contributed poster papers from postdocs and students.

conference main image
Session 2
Session 1
Session 3
Session 4
Session 2
Blue Straggler Stars: A Window Into Alternative Pathway Stellar Products
N. Gosnell
Dynamical Processing of Stars and Planets Through Star Clusters
A. Geller
Session 1
Citizen Science in Astronomy
M. Schwamb
Microlensing: Exploring the Dark Corners of the Galaxy with a Thousand Tiny Flashlights
Observations of Exoplanet Atmospheres
I. Crossfield
Observational Signatures of Young Planets in Disks
Session 3
Precision Stellar Astrophysics in the Kepler Era
D. Huber
The State of Future Observations of the Center of our Galaxy as a Window into the Past State of our Universe
E. Mills
From Clicks to Publications: How the Public is Changing the Way We Do Research
L. Trouille
Session 4
The Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
J. Zahid
The Dynamic Lives of Supermassive Black Holes in Merging Galaxies
L. Blecha
A magnified view of galaxy formation
T. Jones
The Epoch of Reionization: Observing Galaxies in Their Cradle
K. Schmidt
Color me Correlated: Using Color Amplitudes as a Diagnostic of White Dwarf Pulsation Parameters
R. Seifert, C. Tatum, L. Scullion and M. Montgomery
Time Series, Multi-Color, and Spectroscopic Observations of a New Possible Double White Dwarf System
R. Wilson
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of J1321: A Mysterious Polar with Deep Absorption Features
T. Hoyt, C. Littlefield and P. Garnavich
Linear Combinations and Long Term Trends in the Pulsating DOV PG 1159-035
S. Moorhead, M. Montgomery, D. Winget and J. Provencal
Nightmare on 'ELM' Street: The Search for Low log g Values
J. Sullivan
OnLine Data Management And Interactive Display Software for time series photometry with the ProEM Camera on the McDonald Observatory 82” Otto Struve Telescope
Complex Scalar Field Dark Matter and its Imprint on Gravitational Waves
Probing Galaxy Growth and Dusty Star-Forming Systems across Diverse Environments in the Stripe82/HETDEX Field with Herschel
R. Larson, S. Jogee, N. Watson, M. Viero, T.M. Weinzirl, H.W. Yorke, S.L. Finkelstein, C. Papovich, C.M. Casey, R. Ciardullo, C.A. Gronwall, S. LaMassa and C.M. Urry
The Structure of Class 0 Protostars: BHR71 in Herschel View
Y.L. Yang, N.J. Evans II and J. Green
ZFOURGE: UV to FIR luminosities and dust attenuation determined from ~4000 K-selected galaxies at 1<z<3
B. Forrest and K.V.H. Tran
On the Origins of Sub-Subgiants: Mass Transfer, Dynamical Encounters, and Magnetic Fields
E. Leiner, A. Geller and R. Mathieu
Field Excitations and Primordial Observables
D. Lorshbough
Probing planet nurseries with rare CO isotopologues
E.M. Yu, K. Willacy, S. Dodson-Robinson, N.J. Evans II and N.J. Turner