Luca Lista (INFN Naples), Fabrizio Margaroli (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza") and Francesco Tramontano (Univ. of Naples "Federico II")
Luca Lista (INFN Naples), Fabrizio Margaroli (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza"), Francesco Tramontano (Univ. of Naples "Federico II"), Francesco Fabozzi (Univ. of Basilicata),
Alberto Orso Maria Iorio (Univ. of Naples "Federico II"),
Antonello Davide Polosa (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza") and
Marco Rescigno (INFN Rome-I)
Session 2: Status of LHC, physics objects and performances at 13 TeV |
Status and performances of physics objects at 13 TeV: ATLAS
Status and performances of physics objects at 13 TeV: CMS
Session 3: First physics results from run II at 13 TeV (non-top phys. relevant for top) |
Standard Model results (excl. top) from CMS at 13 TeV
Searches for new physics at 13 TeV: CMS
Session 4: Top reconstruction tools, incl. boosted top |
Top reconstruction and boosted top: experimental overview
Session 5: Top-pair cross section |
Latest theory developments for top pair production, generators and showering
Inclusive top pair production at 7,8 and 13 TeV in CMS
Inclusive top pair production at 7,8 and 13 TeV in ATLAS
Differential cross section measurements at the LHC (as a function of kinematics variables)
Session 6: Top quark properties (incl. single top) |
Spin measurements in top-quark events at the LHC
ttbar+Boson (except Higgs)
Session 7: Single top |
Theory overview of recent progress on single-top production predictions and tools
Single top production measurements at the LHC: t-channel
Single top production measurements at the LHC: other channels
Session 8: Young Scientists Forum |
Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section at 13 TeV with the CMS detector
Measuring polarizations of bottom, charm, strange, up and down quarks in top decays
Measurement of the t-channel single-top quark production cross section at 13 TeV with the CMS detector
Search for flavour-changing neutral current top quark decays t to Hq in pp collisions at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Precise top mass determination using lepton distribution at LHC
Measurement of top quark polarization with the D0 detector
Unravelling the non-standard top and Higgs couplings in associated top-Higgs production at the High-luminosity LHC
Session 9: Top mass |
Top-quark mass measurements at the LHC: standard methods
Top-quark mass measurements at the LHC: alternative methods
Top-quark mass measurements at the Tevatron (incl. Tevatron combination)
Session 10: Top mass and combinations |
Interpretation of top-quark mass measurements: a theory overview
Statistical and systematic treatment issues in top mass combinations
Other combinations than top quark mass measurements at the LHC
Session 11: Top and Higgs in the SM |
Theory overview for ttH and tH production
Search for ttH and tH production with H->bb
Session 12: Top and Higgs boson beyond SM |
Implication of the top (and Higgs) mass to the vacuum stability
Theory overview of BSM top and Higgs interactions
Search for new resonances with top quarks
Session 13: Top and Exotica/SuSy |
Searches for vector-like quarks with top quarks
Searches for FCNC with top quarks
Session 14: Differential cross sections mini-workshop |
Theory developments in differential top-quark distributions
Electroweak corrections in top physics (1)
Electroweak corrections in top physics (2)
QCD resummation for boosted top production
Session 15: Perspectives |
Perspectives for top physics at high luminosity LHC
Session 16: Organization of TOP2016 and summary |
Theory summary
Poster session |
Constraining QCD multijet background in single top t-channel production at 13 TeV
Top tagging at ATLAS
Search for s-channel single top-quark production in 8 TeV pp collisions
Polarization of top quark as a probe of its chromomagnetic and chromoeletric couplings in tW at the LHC
ttbar charge asymmetry at CMS
TopFitter: A global fit of the top effective theory to data
ttW and ttZ production cross section in leptonic final states at 8TeV with ATLAS
tgamma tH and tZ production through FCNCs
Measurement of ttbb cross section and the ratio ttbb/ttjj in the lepton+jets final state at 8TeV CMS
Interpretation of vector-like quark searches: the case of a heavy gluon in composite Higgs models and vector-like quarks
Differential measurement of associated top quark pair and b jets at CMS
Inclusive top-quark pair cross section in CMS with cut-and-count method
Search for single top-quark production via FCNC at 8TeV with ATLAS
Measurement of ttbar differential cross section for highly boosted top quarks at ATLAS with 8TeV pp collisions
First measurement of differential cross sections for ttbar production in dilepton final state at 13 TeV collisions
Measurement of the color flow with the jet pull angle in ttbar events using at ATLAS
Measuring the differential cross section for top quark production at 8TeV
Single top, W and Higgs associated production