QCD with Flavored Minimally Doubled Fermions
J.H. Weber
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Pre-published on: February 23, 2017
Published on: March 24, 2017
I discuss minimally doubled fermions fermions as an ultra-local formulation on the lattice for sea quarks that realize a non-singlet chiral symmetry.
I introduce a non-singlet mass term for Karsten-Wilczek fermions and identify the appropriate representation of the SU(2) flavor group at finite lattice spacing.
I present an algebraic proof that the symmetry of the quark determinant under charge conjugation and reflections of the Euclidean axes is preserved for Karsten-Wilczek fermions as sea quarks.
Finally, I discuss how the flavor components in meson correlation functions with Karsten-Wilczek fermions emerge naturally and I show how taste-breaking can be avoided without fine tuning.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.256.0250
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