Volume 256 - 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2016) - Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
Non-perturbative determination of improvement coefficients using coordinate space correlators in Nf=2+1 lattice QCD
P. Korcyl* and G. Bali
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: December 27, 2016
Published on: March 24, 2017
We determine quark mass dependent order $a$ improvement terms of the form $b_J am$ for non-singlet scalar,
pseudoscalar, vector and axialvector currents, using correlators in coordinate space. We use a set of CLS ensembles
comprising non-perturbatively improved Wilson Fermions and the tree-level Luescher-Weisz gauge action
at $\beta=3.4,3.46,3.55$ and $\beta=3.7$, corresponding to lattice spacings $a$ ranging from $0.05$ fm to $0.09$ fm.
We report the values of the $b_J$ improvement coefficients which are proportional to non-singlet quark
mass combinations and also discuss the possibility of determining the $\bar{b}_J$ coefficients which are proportional
to the trace of the quark mass matrix.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.256.0190
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