Volume 256 - 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2016) - Nonzero Temperature and Density
Static and non-static vector screening masses
B. Brandt, A. Francis, H.B. Meyer, A. Steinberg* and K. Zapp
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 30, 2017
Published on: March 24, 2017
Thermal screening masses of the conserved vector current are calculated both in a weak-coupling approach and in lattice QCD. The inverse of a screening mass can be understood as the length scale over which an external electric field is screened in a QCD medium. The comparison of screening masses both in the zero and non-zero Matsubara frequency sectors shows good agreement of the perturbative and the lattice results. Moreover, at T ≈ 508MeV the lightest screening mass lies above the free result (2πT), in agreement with the O(g2) weak-coupling prediction.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.256.0072
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