The the third "Science with SALT" conference was held at the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study from 1-5 June 2015. The goals of this conference were to:
-Present and discuss recent results from SALT observations;
-Anticipate scientific programs that will be carried out with new SALT instrumentation such as RSS-NIR;
-Provide a scientific environment in which to foster inter-institutional and inter-facility collaborations between scientists at the different SALT partners;
-Provide an opportunity for students and postdocs to become more engaged in SALT science and operations;
-Encourage the scientific strategic planning that will be necessary to insure an important role for SALT in an era of large astronomical facilities in the southern hemisphere such as MeerKAT, the SKA, LSST, and ALMA;
-Consider options for future instrumentation and technical development of SALT; and,
-Present, discuss, and engage in the SALT Collateral Benefits program led by SAAO.
Conference proceedings editors: David Buckley and Anja Schroeder
Janusz Kaluzny, Session 1 (Chair: Michael Shara) |
Janusz Kaluzny (1955-2015): career and activities
Spectroscopic Study of the Low-Mass Eclipsing Binary UV Psc
Observing Galactic Be/X-ray binaries with the SALT high-resolution spectrograph
Janusz Kaluzny, Session 2 (Chair: Marek Sarna) |
SALT observations of the Be/X-ray binary A0538-66
A Carbon-rich Mira variable in a globular cluster: A stellar merger
Target of opportunity observations of an X-ray binary in outburst
How to best use SALT: maximizing your chances
ALMA and Related Science (Chair: Ilani Loubser) |
Transformational Science with ALMA and Synergies with SALT and SKA
The RINGS Survey: High-Resolution H-alpha Velocity Fields of Nearby Spiral Galaxies with the SALT Fabry-Perot
Halpha emission from galaxies at anomalous velocities
SALT and SUNBIRD: Young massive star clusters and superwinds in strongly star-forming galaxies
Star Formation in Galaxies (Chair: Ando Ratsimbazafy) |
Star Formation Histories of S0 Galaxies
The importance of mergers to the stellar mass build-up of Brightest Cluster Galaxies
Constraining the merger history of Luminous Red Galaxies with SDSS and SALT
Fuelling (and quenching) star formation in Brightest Cluster Galaxies
Galaxies (Chair: Patricia Whitelock) |
Synergies between SALT and Herschel, Euclid and the SKA: strong gravitational lensing and galaxy evolution
HELP-ing Extragalactic Surveys : The Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project and the Coming of Age of Multi-Wavelength Astrophysics
Characterising (U)LIRGs using SALT/RSS
Age dating Luminous Red Galaxies observed with the Southern African Large Telescope
The Variable Universe #1 (Chair: Ted Williams) |
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
SALT Investigations of Transients
SALT Spectroscopy of Dark Energy Survey Supernovae and Their Classification
Multi-wavelength Studies of High Latitude Black Hole X-ray Transients
The Variable Universe #2 (Chair: Jack Hughes) |
Observing optical and very high energy emission from gamma-ray bursts
Hypermassive Black Hole Shines in the Childhood Universe
Accretion Dynamics in Pre-Main Sequence Binaries
Searching for Erupting Dwarf Novae in the LMC
The Variable Universe - AGN (Chair: Rosalind Skelton) |
Obscured Quasars: Finding and Understanding the Most Luminous Active Supermassive Black Holes with SALT
Southern African Large Telescope spectroscopy of unclassified Fermi-2LAC Active Galactic Nuclei
Multifrequency observations of the extreme X-ray weak quasar PG0043+039
Probing the time variability of high velocity outflows in QSOs
Study of flaring quasars using optical/gamma-ray correlations
SALT and The Radio Universe #1 (Chair: Renee Kraan-Korteweg) |
MeerKAT - an update
SALT observations of the largest radio galaxies
Cold HI 21-cm Absorption Line Survey
SALT and The Radio Universe #2 (Chair: Michelle Cluver) |
Looking At the Distant Universe with MeerKAT and SALT
The MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey: building the dust unbiased quasar sample
Analysis of SALT Fabry-Perot Medium Resolution Data
Multiwavelength variability of the radio quasar J2042+7508
Galaxy Groups and Clusters (Chair: Richard Britto) |
The Unveiling of the newly discovered Vela Supercluster
Investigating the intergalactic medium in galaxy groups
SALT spectroscopic observations of galaxy clusters detected by ACT and a Type II quasar hosted by a brightest cluster galaxy
On the Trail of the Most Massive Galaxy Clusters in the Universe
Milky Way and Planets (Chair: Simon Jeffrey) |
Cepheids in the flared outer disk of our Galaxy
Diffuse Interstellar Bands in Emission
The Search for Planets around Evolved Binary Stars
Current and future observations of Near Earth objects with SALT and RSS
Stellar Astrophysics #1 (Chair: Vanessa McBride) |
The disappearing string of pearls: Super Star Clusters in a nuclear star-forming ring of NGC 2328
Revealing evolved massive stars with Spitzer, WISE and SALT
Hot Bottom Burning Star in IC1613
Multi-tomography of polars from SALT spectroscopy
Stellar Astrophysics #2 (Chair: Kevin Hainline) |
On the relationship between circumstellar discs and X-ray outbursts in Be X-ray binaries
SALT Observations of Hot Subdwarfs and Other Evolved Stars
High Resolution Spectroscopic Abundance Analysis of Metal-Poor Stars
Observational Constraints on the Nature of the X-ray bright supergiant B[e] stars LHA 115-S18 & LHA 120- S134
Spectroscopic Follow-up of the Unusual Nova OGLE-2015-Nova-01
SALT's Future (Chair: Eric Wilcots) |
Machine Learning Classification of Transients
Searching for Millisecond Pulsar Binaries Among Fermi Sources
SALT's Venture into Near Infrared Astronomy with RSS-NIR
The RSS-NIR Detector System Progress
Conference Summary
Poster Presentations |
Probing accretion in magnetic CVs through rapid photometry with SALTICAM
Seeing characterization at Sutherland and Adaptive Optics prospects for SALT
Observational verification of the limb darkening laws in contact binaries
Starspots on an extremely close binaries: spectroscopy vs continuous photometry
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as probes of Cosmological Parameters
Observations of PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 around the 2014 periastron passage with SALT
Constraining the dark matter density in galaxy clusters
Probing the Structure and Kinematics of Outflows in Episodic Accretion of YSOs
Accretion processes in cataclysmic variables: Insights from optical transient surveys
SALT observations of outflows in three supersoft X-ray binaries
SALT - A Cost Effective Science Machine: Statistical Evaluation of Publications
Gamma-Ray Bursts and its afterglow modeling
Stellar Populations in the Dwarf Galaxy NGC59
The Aid of Optical Studies in Understanding Millisecond Pulsar Binaries