Main session |
Tuesday, May 26, Morning 2 |
The Operator Structure of TMDs
Nuclear DIS with Spectator Tagging at EIC
SIDIS Transverse Spin Asymmetries at COMPASS: Multy-Dimensional Analysis
New JAM Global Analysis of Spin-Dependent Parton Distributions
Tuesday, May 26, Afternoon 1 |
Pion Distribution Amplitude from Lattice QCD
Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor in Virtuality Distribution Formalism
A_N in Single-Inclusive Particle Production from Proton-Proton Collisions
Tuesday, May 26, Morning 1 |
Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Program
Tests of Novel QCD Phenomena at Jlab
The Light-Front Energy-Momentum Tensor
Tuesday, May 26, Afternoon 2 |
Spin Physics at STAR : W and Forward Physics
Wigner Distributions and Orbital Angular Momentum of Quarks and Gluons
Lepton-Hadron processes beyond NLO
Wednesday, May 27, Morning 1 |
Toward NNLL Resummation for Single- and Di-Hadron Production in Hadronic Collisions
The Nucleon g2 Spin Structure Function at Large x: Probing Color Forces
New Tests of NRQCD from Quarkonia within Jets
Wednesday, May 27, Morning 2 |
Aspects of Lattice QCD Calculations of Transverse Momentum-Dependent Parton Distributions
Orbital Angular Momentum in QCD and its Observability through Deep Inelastic Processes
Wednesday, May 27, Afternoon 1 |
Twist-3 spin Asymmetries in $\ell N \to h X$ Studied in Collinear Factorization
Single-Inclusive Leptoproduction of Hadrons and Jets at NLO
Resummation of Non-global Logs
Wednesday, May 27, Afternoon 2 |
Linearly Polarized Gluon Effects in Unpolarized Collisions
Momentum Imbalance Observables as a Probe of Gluon TMDs
Phenomenology of Gluon TMDs at NNLL
Light Front Representation and Mechanical Picture of Peripheral Transverse Densities
Thursday, May 28, Morning 1 |
The Role of Non-Perturbative Inputs in Determining the TMDs
TMD Evolution at Moderate Hard Scales
The JLab TMD Program at 6 GeV and 11 GeV
Thursday, May 28, Morning 2 |
Constraints on the Collins Function from New e^+e^- --> h_1 h_2 X Measurements in a Leading Order Analysis
QCD Evolution for the Collins Asymmetries in Hard Process
Studying Evolution at STAR with Jets
Thursday, May 28, Afternoon 1 |
Non-Linear QCD Dynamics and Wilson Lines
Spin-Orbit Coupling in an Unpolarized Heavy Nucleus
TMD Evolution: the Small-x Perspective
Thursday, May 28, Afternoon 2 |
Rapidity Factorization and Evolution of Gluon TMDs
Evolution of Gluon TMD from Low to Moderate x
Friday, May 29, Morning 1 |
Theoretical Uncertainties and Dependence on the C_1, C_2, C_3 Parameters in the CSS Formalism in Drell-Yan and SIDIS
Quark Orbital Angular Momentum
Gluon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions: Beyond the Leading Order
Friday, May 29, Morning 2 |
GPDs in the QCD Multi-Color Limit
Bessel Weighted Asymmetries
Friday, May 29, Afternoon 1 |
TMD Evolution Effects on e+e- Annihilation Into Hadrons
TMD Fragmentation Function at NNLO
Quasi-Parton Distribution Functions: A Study in the Diquark Spectator Model
Friday, May 29, Afternoon2 |
Gauge-Invariant Gluon TMD and Evolution in the Coordinate Space
Glauber Gluons in SCET and the BFKL Equation
Saturday, May 30, Morning |
GPD program at COMPASS
Twist Three Generalized Parton Distributions for Orbital Angular Momentum
Next-to-Leading Order Weighted Sivers Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering: Three-Gluon Correlator
Disentangling Spin Dependent GPDs Through Deeply Virtual Processes with Polarizations and Azimuthal Correlations