Sessions |
Cherenkov Telescope Array |
Transients |
Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
X-Ray Observations |
X-Ray Binaries |
Pulsars |
Supernova Remnants |
GRBs |
Cherenkov Telescope Array |
Current Status of the Namibian bid to host the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Transients |
Celestial Optical Transients from 532 BCE to 2015 AD.
Detecting and Observing Transients at the SAAO
Transient Sources in Astrophysics: From Radio to Gamma-Rays
Exploring the nature of AE Aquarii at higher energies using Sazuku and Fermi-LAT
Modeling multiwavelength data from blazars
Optical observations of Very High Energy Sources from the Boyden Observatory
Optical and radio variability of unclassified Active Galactic Nuclei in the Fermei-2LAC catalogue
The optical spectra of nearby BL Lac objects - what can they tell us about their high energy emission's behaviour?
Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |
Concordance cosmology and its current status
Fluctuation in the Extragalactic Background Light
A study of correlation between IceCube neutrino events and Ultra high enery cosmic rays
X-Ray Observations |
ATROSTAT- India's first multi-wavelength satellite
The extra galactic population of X-ray emitting sgB[e] stars
The search for extragalactic black hole binaries in globular clusters
Diagnostics of leptonic and hadronic emission from relativistic jets in AGN
Hydrodynamical Simulations of Relativistc Astrophysical Jets
Time-Dependence of VHE gamma-ray induced Pair Cascades in AGN Environments
AGN monitoring: single dish to VLBI
Fermi-LAT Observation of 3C 454.3 during its May-July 2014 outburst
The recent flaring of blazar S5 0716+714 and the observed PA swing
X-Ray Binaries |
A multiwavelength perspective on massive X-ray binaries
Using X-ray timing and optical RV measurements of HMXBs as probes of supernovae and neutron star masses
A modified LIMA model for the 67s X-ray oscillation in CAL 83
Bethe-Heitler mechanism for gamma-ray emission in Gamma-ray binary systems
Pulsars |
Pulsar emission in the very high energy regime
Toward a more rigorous goodness-of-fit test for evaluation simultaneous radio and gamma-ray pulsar light curve fits
Orbitally Modulated Emission at Intrabinary Shocks in Millisecond Pulsar Binaries
Timing Noise analysis of HartRAO pulsars: Possible mode switching in the magnetosphere of PSR J1326-5859
Time-Dependent multi-zone modelling of pulsar wind nebulae
Gltches with glitches: selected characteristics of potential GW detectors
Supernova Remnants |
Modelling emission from supernova remnants
H.E.S.S. Observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud
GRBs |
Observation of Gamma-Ray Bursts and short duration transients with Fermi Large Area Telescope
Observing GRBs with HESS
Theories of multi-wavelength emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts: Prompt to afterglow
The spectacular stellar Explosion- GRB 130427 and its Synchroton Modelling in ISM and WIND environment