PoS - Proceedings of Science

Frontier Research in Astrophysics

FRAPWS2014 - (other frapw conferences)
26 - 31 May, 2014
Mondello (Palermo), Italy
published May 10, 2016
Entries on ADS
We want to join about 90 colleagues from the whole world involved in various topics of modern Astrophysics and Particle Physics in order to discuss the most recent experimental and theoretical results for an advance in the comprehension of the Physics governing our Universe. For reaching the aim of the workshop the idea is to use ground- and space-based experimental developments, theoretical developments AND the coming out science results which have already resulted OR WILL result into high impact science papers.

The following items will be reviewed:
Cosmology: Cosmic Background, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Clusters of Galaxies
Physics of the Diffuse Cosmic Sources
Physics of Cosmic Rays
Physics of Discrete Cosmic Sources
Extragalactic Sources: Active Galaxies, Normal Galaxies, Gamma-Ray Bursts
Galactic Sources: Star Formation, Pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence Stars, Cataclysmic Variables and Novae, Supernovae and SNRs, X-Ray Binary Systems, Pulsars, Black Holes, Gamma-Ray Sources, Nucleosynthesis.
Future Physics and Astrophysics: Ongoing and Planned Ground- and Space-based Experiments

The workshop will include few 40-minute general review talks to introduce the current problems, and typically 20-minute talks discussing new experimental and theoretical results. A series of 15-minute talks will discuss the ongoing and planned ground- and space-based experiments.

The cadence of the workshop will be biennial. The participation will be only by invitation.

Editors: Franco Giovannelli and Lola Sabau-Graziati

conference main image
Opening Remarks
High Energy Astrophsyics
Jet Sources & GRBs
Star Formation & PMS Stars
Planets Formation & Evolution
Origin of Life
Ongoing Experiments
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
Opening Remarks
Frontier Research in Astrophysics
PoS(FRAPWS2014)001 pdf F. Giovannelli
News from LHC: Recent Results on Higgs Physics
PoS(FRAPWS2014)002 pdf A. Straessner
Neutrinos: The Big Question and Physics Opportunities
PoS(FRAPWS2014)003 pdf T. Strauss
Remnant Masses and Compact Binary Mergers
PoS(FRAPWS2014)004 pdf C. Fryer
Constraining GW signatures in pulsar timing: A multi-frequency timing analysis
PoS(FRAPWS2014)005 pdf J. Maritz, P. Meintjes and S. Buchner
The SZ effect: from deep astrophysics to new cosmology
PoS(FRAPWS2014)042 file missing S. Colafrancesco
Dark energy in rich clusters of galaxies
PoS(FRAPWS2014)006 pdf G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
The Extragalactic Background Light: The Emission from All Stars and Black Holes
PoS(FRAPWS2014)007 pdf S. Buson
High Energy Astrophysical Neutrino Signals
PoS(FRAPWS2014)008 pdf T. Stanev
High Energy Astrophsyics
The first Be/black hole binary
PoS(FRAPWS2014)043 pdf J. Ziolkowski
Probing disk truncation in Dwarf Novae and CVs with X-ray variations and comparisons with work on other wavelengths
PoS(FRAPWS2014)009 pdf S. Balman
Magnetized Accretion Discs and the Dwarf Nova Phenomenon
PoS(FRAPWS2014)010 pdf P. Meintjes
Magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) versus non-magnetic CVs
PoS(FRAPWS2014)011 pdf V. Simon
The impact of SUZAKU in Frontier Astrophysics
PoS(FRAPWS2014)012 pdf H. Mori
CAL83 | The Prototypical Close Binary Supersoft X-ray Source in the LMC:A Short Review
PoS(FRAPWS2014)013 pdf A. Odendaal and P. Meintjes
Progress on the Knowledge of Neutron Stars and their Magnetic Fields with XMM-Newton
PoS(FRAPWS2014)014 pdf N. Schartel
The Pulsar In The Crab Nebula: A short review
PoS(FRAPWS2014)015 pdf N. Lewandowska
Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Energy Scpectrum with ARGO-YBJ
PoS(FRAPWS2014)016 pdf I.D. Mitri
VHE Astrophysics: Theory vs Observations
PoS(FRAPWS2014)017 pdf J.M. Paredes and P. Munar-Adrover
Gamma-rays from millisecond pulsar binary systems
PoS(FRAPWS2014)018 pdf W. Bednarek
Gamma-rays from millisecond pulsar population in the Galactic Centre
PoS(FRAPWS2014)019 pdf W. Bednarek
Search for Very High Energy Candidate Sources Among the Fermi Sources
PoS(FRAPWS2014)020 pdf B. van Soelen
Positron anisotropy studies with PAMELA experiment
PoS(FRAPWS2014)021 pdf B. Panico
The Center of the Milky Way from Radio to X-rays
PoS(FRAPWS2014)022 pdf A. Eckart, M. Valencia-S., B. Shahzamanian, M. Garcia-Marin, F. Peissker, M. Zajacek, M. Parsa, B. Jalali, R. Saalfeld, N. Sabha, S. Yazici, G. Karssen, A. Borkar, K. Markakis, A. Zensus and C. Straubmeier
Jet Sources & GRBs
Astrophysical Jets: A Review
PoS(FRAPWS2014)023 pdf J. Beall
Benchmarking Astrophysical Jet Simulations
PoS(FRAPWS2014)024 pdf J. Beall
A Uniform Description of All the Astrophysical Jets
PoS(FRAPWS2014)025 pdf W. Kundt
Gamma-Ray Bursts: Frontier astrophysics with the most extreme cosmic explosions
PoS(FRAPWS2014)026 pdf J.L. Atteia
Bulk motion and collimation of Gamma Ray Bursts
PoS(FRAPWS2014)027 pdf G. Ghirlanda
Smoking Gun for GRB in Milky Way?
PoS(FRAPWS2014)044 pdf J. Ziolkowski
Why not any tau double bang in IceCube, yet?
PoS(FRAPWS2014)028 pdf D. Fargion, P. Oliva and G. Ucci
Star Formation & PMS Stars
Induced star formation in the W40 region
PoS(FRAPWS2014)029 pdf L. Pirogov
Star formation in the Local Group as seen by low-mass stars
PoS(FRAPWS2014)030 pdf G. De Marchi and N. Panagia
Planets Formation & Evolution
Planetary Formation: Lessons Learned from the Solar System and the Extrasolar Planets
PoS(FRAPWS2014)031 pdf D. Turrini
X{ray Emission from Comets and Planets in the Solar System
PoS(FRAPWS2014)032 pdf K. Dennerl
Origin of Life
The Habitability of Circumbinary Planets: Stellar and Planetary Interaction
PoS(FRAPWS2014)045 pdf P. Mason, J.I. Zuluaga and P.A. Cuartas-Restrepo
Old and New from SETI: a Review
PoS(FRAPWS2014)033 pdf I. Almar
Ongoing Experiments
Sunrise Mission Highlights
PoS(FRAPWS2014)034 pdf T. Riethmüller
UFFO-path nder/ Lomonosov to explore the early optical light from Gamma-Ray Bursts
PoS(FRAPWS2014)046 file missing S. Jeong
GLObal Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array for e-Science
PoS(FRAPWS2014)035 pdf R. Hudec
Major Science with the WSO-UV
PoS(FRAPWS2014)036 file missing B. Shustov
Current status of the space mission Millimetron
PoS(FRAPWS2014)037 pdf S. Pilipenko, A. Smirnov and N. Kardashev
Scientic astrophysical payloads for pico and nano-satellites
PoS(FRAPWS2014)038 pdf R. Hudec, V. Simon and V. Tichy
Digitized Astronomical Photographic Archives as Large Area Sky Survey of Large Amount of Astronomical Data
PoS(FRAPWS2014)039 pdf R. Hudec
An Automatic System Based on Open Source Solutions to Create Virtual Machines of running Linux Systems.
PoS(FRAPWS2014)041 pdf B.L. Martino and M. Federici
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
PoS(FRAPWS2014)047 pdf J. Ziolkowski
Concluding Remarks
PoS(FRAPWS2014)048 pdf R. Hudec
Concluding Address
Concluding Address
PoS(FRAPWS2014)040 pdf F. Giovannelli