Modave2014 - (other modave conferences)
1- 5 September 2014
Modave, Belgium
published February 12, 2015
The Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics is organized by enthusiastic PhD students from Belgian universities (ULB, VUB, KUL and UGent) for other young PhD students or post-docs from all around the globe. The main goal is to present pedagogical lectures on different topics in theoretical physics, ranging from introductory to advanced subjects.

The lectures of the tenth edition were centered around two subjects: cosmology and exact results in QFT. The specific topics that were selected, were: Introduction to modern cosmology, QFT on de Sitter space, Analysis of Planck data, Matrix/vector models and large N limits, N=2 SUSY, SUSY on curved space and Introduction to quantum integrability.

conference main image
Main session
Introduction to quantum integrability
J. Lamers
Analysis of the Planck data
C. Sébastien