Sessions |
Spectroscopy |
CKM Physics |
Neutrino Physics |
Kaon Physics |
Top Physics |
Spectroscopy |
Search for exotic charmonium states
Amplitude analysis of the $D^+\rightarrow K^0_s \pi^+ \pi^0$ Dalitz plot
CKM Physics |
New ways to search for right-handed current in $B\rightarrow \rho \ell \bar \nu$ decay
Neutrino Physics |
Status of direct neutrino mass measurements
Solar neutrinos: an update
Reactor Antineutrino Experiments
Recent Results on Neutrino Oscillations from Daya Bay
Experimental searches on sterile neutrinos
Kaon Physics |
Theory of Kaon Physics
ChPT tests at the NA48 and NA62 experiments at CERN
Recent KLOE results on Kaon Physics
Recent results and prospects of rare kaon decay measurements at LHCb
Searches for New Physics with the TREK Detector
Prospects for $K^+\rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ observation at CERN in NA62
Precision tests of the Standard Model with kaon decays at CERN
Top Physics |
Precision measurements of the Top quark with the ATLAS experiment
Top Quark Physics at CMS
Recent results in the top quark sector from the DO experiment