28-31 October 2014
Freudenstadt - Lauterbad, Germany
published April 20, 2015
The workshop is intended to bring together young PhD students and postdocs with international renown representatives of the field of flavor physics. The workshop is specifically intended for PhD students and young postdocs. The overview talks about four big topics in flavor physics are given by international experts. The informal atmosphere should lead to fruitful discussions between the young and the experienced scientists. Furthermore, the participants themselves are invited to present their own work. Thus all young academics will get insights into selected fields of current research.
conference main image
Young Investigator Talks
Keynote Talks
Young Investigator Talks
Measuring Semileptonic Asymmetries in LHCb
S. Klaver
Flavoured Dark Matter Beyond Minimal Flavour Violation
M. Blanke
Search for CP violation in $D0\rightarrow \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^0$ decays at LHCb
S. Chen
The bottom quark mass from non-relativistic sum rules at NNNLO
T. Rauh
Lifting degenerate neutrino masses, threshold corrections and maximal mixing
W. Hollik
New Physics in $\Delta \Gamma_d$
G. Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi
A Left-Right Symmetric Model with doublets
L. Vale Silva
Lepton Flavor Violation in the SM with general Dimension-6 Operators
S. Najjari
Keynote Talks
Introduction to Charm Physics
M. Gersabeck
Flavour Expedition to the Zeptouniverse
A. Buras