IFD2014 - (other ifd conferences)
11-13 March , 2014
Trento, Italy
published November 06, 2015
Italy has been one of the key players in the effort which led to the discovery awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physics, with a highly recognized technological contribution both to the LHC and the experiments. The top priority of the European Strategy for Particle Physics is the exploitation of the full potential of the LHC including the high-luminosity upgrade of the machine and detectors.

The Workshop will focus on the upgrades of the experiments for the HL-LHC, primarily needed for:

- tracking, calorimetry and muon systems, with associated front-end and read-out electronics

- trigger, data acquisition and computing

The goal is to establish a framework to discuss and work on new ideas for research and development where expertise can be shared and expand across the different INFN experimental groups. This process aims also to promote a constructive interaction with national industry, research centers and facilities to better prepare for Horizon2020 applications.

conference main image
Vertexing & Tracking Detectors
Muon Detectors
Computing and off-line Software
Closing Session
Vertexing & Tracking Detectors
ALICE, ATLAS and CMS System architecture
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M. Bindi
RD53 Collaboration and CHIPIX65 Project for the development of an innovative Pixel Front End Chip for HL-LHC
N. Demaria
Monolitic and HV/HR-CMOS Active Detectors
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G. Usai
Planar Silicon Detectors
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M. Meschini
3D Silicon Detectors
G.F. Dalla Betta
Hybridization and Interconnect technologies
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C. Gemme
Local mechanical supports and cooling systems
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S. Coelli
Tracking trigger CMS
F. Palla
Overview of Fondazione Bruno Kessler activities
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M. Boscardin
Muon Detectors
WG1: Experience from RUN 1 operation: extrapolation to Phase II
D. Boscherini
WG2: R&D of Innovative Detectors for Muons
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G. Aielli
WG3: R&D for Muon Detector Electronics
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S. Ventura
WG4: Longevity studies for muon detectors
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P. Vitulo
Welcome by Director of CMM - FBK
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M. Gentili
Physics at HL-LHC
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F. Zwirner
ATLAS Detector Upgrade
M. Iodice
CMS Detector Upgrade
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G. Sguazzoni
ALICE Detector Upgrade
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S. Beole'
LHCb Detector Upgrade
U. Marconi
Forward detectors and luminosity measurements
G. Chiodini
Computing and off-line Software
Computing challenges of the LHC high luminosity runs - Impact on resource needs and on computing models
T. Boccali
The evolution of the computing infrastructure to cope with technology innovation and future experiments needs
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G. Carlino
Calorimetry at HL-LHC
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T. Tabarelli De Fatis
Electronics for HL-LHC Calorimetry
F.G. Tartarelli
Fiber calorimetry R&D for HL-LHC
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M.T. Lucchini
Sensors for calorimetry photo-detectors and silicon sensors
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A. Gola
4D-calorimetry with fast timing
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P. Meridiani
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A. Negri
L1 muon trigger for HL-LHC
N. Pozzobon, I. Lazzizzera, F. Montecassiano, R. Vari, S. Ventura and P. Zotto
Track triggers for HL-LHC
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A. Annovi
HLT for HL-LHC, Technology and architecture for next decade TDAQ
S. Amerio
Closing Session
Opportunities for external fundings
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A. Passeri
Knowledge Transfer Activities at INFN
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S. Falciano
INFN at HL-LHC: Perspectives
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F. Ferroni