Chapter 1 - Almost present and future gamma detectors; their role for fundamental physics |
The Cherenkov Telescope Array
Study of a Cherenkov camera demonstrator for CTA
Measurements and tests on FBK silicon sensors with an otpmized electronic design for a CTA camera
The GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope characteristics. Angular resolution and electrons/protons separation.
Solar panels as cosmic ray detectors
Chapter 2: Photon propagation and cosmology; background photons in the intergalactic medium |
From galactic stellar populations to the EBL
EBL from galaxy evolution
EBL signature on VHE gamma photons
VHE photon propagation and determination of the cosmological constants
Intergalactic magnetic fields
Gamma ghosts & lensing
Search for extended gamma-ray halos around AGN with VERITAS
Chapter 3: Axions and ALPs |
Introduction to ALPs and review of laboratory-based experiments for ALP detection
Photon-ALP conversion in intergalactic space
Photon-ALP conversions inside AGN
Hints for an axion-like particle from PKS 1222+216
Chapter 4 - Search for Dark Matter; exotics and antimatter |
Review of LCDM and implications for indirect detection
The dark matter distribution in WDM and mixed DM models
Fermi-LAT review - lines in particular
Review of Dark Matter searches with Cherenkov telescopes
Complementarity between collider, direct detection, and indirect detection experiments
Constraints on WIMP annihilation for contracted Dark Matter in the inner Galaxy with gamma-rays
Gamma-ray anisotropies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Measurements of cosmic ray electrons and positrons - current status and perspectives
Antimatter search in the cosmic ray flux with ground-based experiments
Chapter 5 - Synergies of VHE gamma detectors with different wavelengths and messengers |
Propagation and Acceleration of CR: what gamma rays can say
HESS and galactic accelerators
The Gamma-ray Milky Way above 10 GeV: Distinguishing Sources from Diffuse Emission
Anisotropy of CR: indications for gamma rays?
Present and future ground-based gamma-ray experiments and the study of the cosmic-ray energy spectra and composition; synergies with gamma rays
Auger: Present results and possible futures
Photon search at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Gamma ray astronomy with ARGO-YBJ
Neutrinos and the hadronic component of CR
High-energy pulsars from gamma rays to gravitational waves
Blazar jet emission: a statistical approach
GRB Studies with AGILE