Sessions |
Session 2 |
Session 1 |
Session 3 |
Session 4 |
Posters |
Session 2 |
The Formation of Massive Stars and Star Clusters in the Milky Way
Star Formation: Chemistry as a Probe of Embedded Protostars
Session 1 |
The Cosmic Microwave Background: An Experimentalists's Guide to CMB Measurements and Prospects for the Future
Dark Cosmological Simulations
Simulating Galaxy Structure within LCDM
Session 3 |
The Surprisingly Complex Lives of Massive Galaxies
Black Hole Safari: Tracking Populations and Hunting Big Game
The Progenitor Systems and Explosion Mechanisms of Supernovae
Reverberation Mapping: Masses and Distance and Size, Oh My!
Session 4 |
More Than a Star, or How Does Solar Activity Impact The Heliosphere?
In Search of Exomoons
Planet Formation: Knowing the Progenitors and the Progeny
Posters |
IFU Spectroscopy of BCGs and Their Companions: Angular Momentum and Dynamical Mass
Probing the Gas Distribution of Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxies through their Spectrally Resolved Lyman-alpha Emission
Examining XMM Observations Made in the Galactic Bulge Survey Region
Searching for Extreme Mass-Ratio Binary Systems
The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect as a Probe of the Physics of Cosmic Reionization: The Effect of Self-regulated Reionization
Tracing the CO Ice Line with C17O in an MRI-Active Protoplanetary Disk around the Young Sun
Cosmological Constraints on Bose-Einstein-Condensed Scalar Field Dark Matter