BASH 2013 - (other bash conferences)
6-8 October, 2013
Austin, Texas
published March 10, 2014
The University of Texas at Austin Department of Astronomy and McDonald Observatory hosted the fifth biennial Frank N. Bash Symposium on the topic of New Horizons in Astronomy, October 6-8, 2013, in the Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302 [map] on The University of Texas at Austin campus. This meeting brought together young researchers at the cutting edge of astronomy and astrophysics, to promote the exchange of research ideas and visions for the future of astronomy. The symposium focused on invited review talks, and included discussions and contributed poster papers from postdocs and students.
conference main image
Session 2
Session 1
Session 3
Session 4
Session 2
The Formation of Massive Stars and Star Clusters in the Milky Way
C.D. Battersby
Star Formation: Chemistry as a Probe of Embedded Protostars
R. Visser
Session 1
The Cosmic Microwave Background: An Experimentalists's Guide to CMB Measurements and Prospects for the Future
L.B. Newburgh
Dark Cosmological Simulations
R.E. Angulo
Simulating Galaxy Structure within LCDM
L.V. Sales
Session 3
The Surprisingly Complex Lives of Massive Galaxies
R.S. Bezanson
Black Hole Safari: Tracking Populations and Hunting Big Game
N.J. McConnell
The Progenitor Systems and Explosion Mechanisms of Supernovae
D. Milisavljevic
Reverberation Mapping: Masses and Distance and Size, Oh My!
K. Denney
Session 4
More Than a Star, or How Does Solar Activity Impact The Heliosphere?
K.A. Kozarev
In Search of Exomoons
Planet Formation: Knowing the Progenitors and the Progeny
K.M. Kratter
IFU Spectroscopy of BCGs and Their Companions: Angular Momentum and Dynamical Mass
Probing the Gas Distribution of Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxies through their Spectrally Resolved Lyman-alpha Emission
T.S. Chonis, G. Blanc and G.J. Hill
Examining XMM Observations Made in the Galactic Bulge Survey Region
V. Estrada-Carpenter
Searching for Extreme Mass-Ratio Binary Systems
K.C. Gullikson, A. Kraus and S. Dodson-Robinson
The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect as a Probe of the Physics of Cosmic Reionization: The Effect of Self-regulated Reionization
Tracing the CO Ice Line with C17O in an MRI-Active Protoplanetary Disk around the Young Sun
E.M. Yu, K. Willacy and S. Dodson-Robinson
Cosmological Constraints on Bose-Einstein-Condensed Scalar Field Dark Matter