Modave 2013 - (other modave conferences)
September 1-7, 2013
Modave, Belgium
published April 24, 2014
The aim of the Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics is to study recent topics in theoretical physics of fundamental interactions. In practice, the school consists of a series of lectures, supposed to begin with the basics, be synthetic and as self-contained as possible. The Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics is organized by PhD students from belgian universities (ULB,VUB,KUL) exclusively for PhD students and post-docs, and is supported by the International Solvay Institutes. Lectures of this ninth edition of the school presented in these proceedings include: Introduction to Black Hole Evaporation, Localization and supersymmetry on curved space, Entanglement entropy, Holographic superconductors, and Physics from the S-matrix: Scattering Amplitudes without Lagrangians.
conference main image
Main session
Introduction to Black Hole evaporation
P.H. Lambert
Holographic superconductors
Localization and supersymmetry on curved space
Entanglement entropy
M. Kulaxizi
Physics from the S-matrix: Scattering Amplitudes without Lagrangians