The core objective of the CHAIN-REDS project is to promote, coordinate and support the effort of a critical mass of non-European e-Infrastructures for Research and Education to collaborate with Europe addressing interoperability and interoperation of Grids and other Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI). From this perspective, CHAIN-REDS will optimise the interoperation of European infrastructures with those present in 6 other regions of the world, both from a development and use point of view, and catering to different communities. Overall, CHAIN-REDS will provide input for future strategies and decision-making regarding collaboration with other regions on e-Infrastructure deployment and availability of related data; it will raise the visibility of e-Infrastructures towards intercontinental audiences, covering most of the world and will provide support to establish globally connected and interoperable infrastructures, in particular between the EU and the developing regions.
Organised by IHEP, INFN and Sigma Orionis with the support of all project partners, this workshop will aim at:
- Presenting the state of the art of Cloud computing in Europe and in China and discussing the opportunities offered by having interoperable and federated e-Infrastructures;
- Exploring the existing initiatives of Data Infrastructures in Europe and China, and highlighting the Data Repositories of interest for the Virtual Research Communities in several domains such as Health, Agriculture, Climate, etc.
Opening |
Introduction to the CHAIN-REDS Project (objectives and achievements)
Cloud Computing Session: Part I - Setting the Scene |
Cloud computing in the EU an Overview
Cloud computing in the P.R. of China - Overview
Cloud Computing Session: Part II: Selected paper contributions and Discussions |
Science Data Cloud of CAS: Architecture, Implementation and Services
Duckling Falcon and SaaS Applications
Duckling Falcon and SaaS Applications
Duckling Falcon and SaaS Applications
From Large Scale to Cloud Computing
From Large Scale to Cloud Computing
From Large Scale to Cloud Computing
A Glimpse of Tencent Cloud Computing
Highlight on EU-China e-Infrastructure cooperation |
ORIENTplus: The super highway for R&E collaboration between Europe and China
ORIENTplus: The super highway for R&E collaboration between Europe and China
Session 2 - Data Repositories: Part I - Setting the Scene |
Data repositories in the P.R. of China - Overview
Data Repositories in the EU - Overview
Session 2 - Data Repositories: Part II - Selected paper contributions and Discussions |
The CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base and Semantic Search Engin
The CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base and Semantic Search Engin
The CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base and Semantic Search Engin
The CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base and Semantic Search Engin
The Language Archive: a worldwide archive for understanding human language faculty
The Language Archive: a worldwide archive for understanding human language faculty
The Language Archive: a worldwide archive for understanding human language faculty
The Language Archive: a worldwide archive for understanding human language faculty
The Language Archive: a worldwide archive for understanding human language faculty
NSII(National Specimen Information Infrastructure): a Biodiversity e-Science Infrastructure in China
NSII(National Specimen Information Infrastructure): a Biodiversity e-Science Infrastructure in China
NSII(National Specimen Information Infrastructure): a Biodiversity e-Science Infrastructure in China
Research Data - Alliance Research Data Sharing without barriers
Research Data - Alliance Research Data Sharing without barriers