DIS 2013 - (other dis conferences)
22-26 April, 2013
Marseilles, France
published December 05, 2013
The conference represents the annual meeting of the experimental and theory communities interested by the nucleon structure and QCD. The meeting additionally covers a large spectrum of topics in high energy physics, in particular recent results from LHC. A significant part of the program has been devoted to the most recent and exciting results from large experimental installations at CERN, DESY, Fermilab, Jefferson National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory etc. The theoretical advances are included as well and contribute to the unique and vibrant scientific atmosphere of this conference series. The program was organised around seven tracks: Structure Functions and Parton Densities; Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons; Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model; QCD and Hadronic Final States; Heavy Flavours; Spin Physics; Future experiments. The first day of plenary sessions included overview talks in experimental and theoretical topics. The parallel sessions where various tracks review in depth the respective domains. Joint sessions among various couples of working groups allowed an interesting cross-fertilization.
conference main image
Plenary Session I
Plenary Session II
Session: Structure Functions
Session: Low x and diffraction
Session: Electroweak and Searches
Session: QCD and Hadronic Final States
Session: Heavy Flavors
Session: Spin
Session: Future Experiments
Joint Session: Spin Physics and Future Experiments
Joint Session: Structure Functions and Future Experiments
Joint Session: QCD, Hadronic Final States and Electroweak Physics
Joint Session: Heavy Flavours, QCD and Hadronic Final States
Joint Session: Structure Functions and Heavy Flavours
Joint Session: Diffraction and QCD
Public Lecture
Plenary Session I
Welcome to DIS2013
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E. Kajfasz
Parton Distributions in the Higgs Boson era
Constraints on Proton Structure
V.A.M. Radescu
Polarised proton structure
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M. Stratmann
Precision QCD measurements in DIS
O. Behnke
Multiparton interactions: Theory and experimental findings
M. Diehl
Precision QCD and hadron machines (LHC)
P. Lenzi
Hot strong matter
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B. Erazmus
New Results from Tevatron
C. Vellidis
Higgs and EW at LHC
M. Sanders
Energy Frontier at LHC
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S. Sharma
Plenary Session II
WG1 Highlights - Structure Functions
K. Lipka and P. Nadolsky
WG2 Highlights - Small x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons
H. Abramowicz, J.J. Hollar and S. Wallon
WG3 Highlights - Electroweak and searches
A. Oh, M. Stoye and A. Vicini
WG4 Highlights - HFS and Precision QCD
A. Banfi, C. Glasman and B. Malaescu
WG5 Highlights - Heavy Flavours
S. Naumann-Emme, M. Sauter and A. Szczurek
WG6 Highlights - Spin Physics
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A. Bacchetta, M. Contalbrigo, F. Giordano and M. Stolarski
WG7 Highlights - Future DIS Experiments
N. Armesto Perez, A. Buniatyan and F. Sabatie
Strategy for Particle Physics in Europe and the World
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R. Heuer
Closing overview talk
C. Quigg
Summary of IAC meeting
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A. Levy
Closing remarks
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C. Diaconu
Session: Structure Functions
Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering at High Q2 with Longitudinally Polarised Lepton Beams at HERA and Determination of the Integrated Luminosity at HERA using Elastic QED Compton Events
S. Shushkevich
Measurement of high-Q2 neutral current deep inelastic e+p scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam at HERA
I. Brock
ABM PDFs updated
S. Alekhin, J. Bluemlein and S. Moch
The CJ12 parton distributions
A. Accardi, J.F. Owens and W. Melnitchouk
Developments in CTEQ-TEA analysis
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P. Nadolsky
Developments Related to MSTW PDFs
R. Thorne
Parton Distributions with LHC data
N. Hartland and C.S. Deans
HERAFitter - an open source QCD fit framework
R. Placakyte
Inclusive jet production measured with ATLAS, and constraints on PDFs
P. Starovoitov
The Effect of Recent Jet Results on MSTW PDFs
Top quark production cross section in ATLAS
C. Bertella
Top Quark Pair Cross Section Measurements at CMS
J. Kieseler
Top quark production at the LHC: differential cross section and phenomenological perspectives
M. Guzzi, K. Lipka and S.O. Moch
Constraints on the gluon PDF from top quark pair production at hadron colliders
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J. Rojo
TMD quark distributions at small x
M. Hentschinski
Proton structure functions and physical evolution kernels
M. Hentschinski
Determination of TMDs with HERA data
H. Jung and F. Hautmann
BFKL Evolution as a Communicator Between Small and Large Energy Scales
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H.P. Kowalski
Neutron Structure at Large x
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C. Keppel
Re-evaluation of the Parton Distributions of Strangeness in the nucleon
H.E. Jackson Jr
Helium Compton Form Factor Measurements at CLAS
E. Voutier
The EMC Effect and Short-Range Correlations
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E. Piasetzky
Session: Low x and diffraction
Saturation, coherence and exclusive final states
K. Kutak
Revising the Impact-Parameter dependent Saturation model with combined HERA data
A. Rezaeian, M. Siddikov, M.H.f. Van De Klundert and R. Venugopalan
Recent results within Lipatov's high energy effective action
M. Hentschinski, G. Chachamis, J.D. Madrigal and A. Sabio Vera
Computing the full two-loop gluon Regge trajectory within Lipatov's high energy effective action
G. Chachamis, M. Hentschinski, J.D. Madrigal and A. Sabio Vera
Saturation and coherence effects in the modified KGBJS equation
Scattering amplitudes for high-energy factorization
A. van Hameren
On a relation between production processes and total cross sections
S. Munier
Cross sections and forward multiplicities measurements with TOTEM
M. Berretti
Predictions of Diffractive, Elastic, Total, and Total-Inelastic pp Cross Sections vs LHC Measurements.
K. Goulianos
Multi-particle production in the CGC framework
C. Marquet, F. Dominguez, A. Stasto and B.W. Xiao
Studies of quarkonia production and polarisation at LHCb
M. Frosini
Inclusive hadron production in p-p collisions in CMS
P. Katsas
Jet production and the inelastic pp cross section at the LHC
A. Grebenyuk, F. Hautmann, H. Jung, P. Katsas and A. Knutsson
Characterization of the underlying event in p-p collisions in CMS
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K. Mazumdar
Heavy quark impact factor and the single bottom production at the LHC
G. Chachamis, M. Deak and G. Rodrigo
Correlation effects in multiple hard scattering
M. Diehl
Initial conditions for evolution of double parton distributions
E. Lewandowska and K. Golec-Biernat
MPI and DPS studies at CMS
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P. Bartalini
Measurement of hard double-parton interactions with the ATLAS detector
M. Myska
Standard and quasi-conformal BFKL kernels
V. Fadin
Exclusive production of one and two heavy quarkonia in nuclear collisions
W. Schaefer
From Hard Exclusive Meson Electroproduction to Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
F. Sabatie
Elastic and proton dissociative J/psi meson photoproduction at HERA
N. Gogitidze
Exclusive J/ψ and ψ_{2S} production in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
R. McNulty
New results on diffractive and exclusive production from CDF
K. Goulianos
Exclusive processes in pp collisions in CMS
G.G. Da silveira
Charmonium and e+e- pair photoproduction in ultra peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at \sqrt s_{NN} = 2.76 TeV
E. Scapparone
Exclusive diffractive photon bremsstrahlung at high energies
A. Szczurek
Diffractive production of quark-antiquark pairs
A. Szczurek
Single and double diffractive prompt photon production at the LHC
C. Brenner Mariotto and V.P. Goncalves
Diffractive vector meson production at HERA using holographic AdS/QCD wavefunctions
R. Sandapen and J. Forshaw
Combined inclusive diffractive cross sections measured with forward proton spectrometers in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA
J. Olsson
Measurements of diffraction in p-p collisions in CMS
R. Ciesielski
A model for high energy rho meson leptoproduction based on collinear factorization and dipole models
A. Besse, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
Session: Electroweak and Searches
Measurements of properties of the Higgs-like Particle at 125 GeV by the CMS collaboration
S. Meola and N. Dr De Filippis
Study of Higgs Production in Bosonic Decay Channels at CMS
A.G. Holzner
Study of Higgs Boson in Fermionic Decay Channels at CMS
S. Choudhury
Higgs boson properties from hadron colliders experiments
P.P. Giardino
Combined search for the SM Higgs Boson at D0
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J.A. Kraus
Measurement of Wg/Zg production at ATLAS and associated constraints on new physics
Z. Liang
Measurement of WW, WZ and ZZ production at ATLAS and limits on anomalous triple-gauge-boson couplings
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M. Zeman
Measurement of WW and WZ production with one vector boson decaying hadronically at ATLAS
B.E. Lindquist
Vector boson + jets measurements at CMS
T.A. Du Pree
Measurements of WW and ZZ production and anomalous trilinear gauge couplings with the D0 detector
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J.A. Kraus
Searches for low-mass Higgs and dark bosons at BaBar
L.A. Perez
Higgs boson and Top quark masses as tests of Electroweak Vacuum Stability
I. Masina
Limits on neutral Higgs production in the forward region in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
P.J. Ilten
Searches for Exotic Higgs decays in CMS
A. Perieanu
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector
M. Agustoni
Searches with multilepton final states
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P. Thomassen
Search for stop and sbottom pair production at the LHC using the CMS detector
L. Gouskos
Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector
E. Romero adam
Searches for gluino-mediated production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
C. Deluca
Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector
Search for Squarks and Gluinos in events with missing transverse momentum
R. Schoefbeck
Search for First-Generation Leptoquarks at HERA
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K. Wichmann
Search for heavy resonances with the ATLAS detector
S. Zimmermann
Search for resonant diboson production with the ATLAS detector
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P.V. Loscutoff
Searches for long-lived particles and lepton-jets with the ATLAS detector
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P.R. Pais
Searches for monojets and monophotons with the ATLAS detector
R. Caminal Armadans
Searches for vector-like quarks and ttbar resonances with the ATLAS detector
J.S. Webster
Searches for new Physics in events with multiple leptons with the ATLAS detector
D.R.H. Yu
Searches for new physics with leptons and/or jets at CMS
C. Vuosalo
Search for new physics in lepton + MET final states
P. Millet
Searches for new heavy resonances and large extra dimensions at CMS
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S.A. Schmitz
W' and Z' searches at the LHC
E. Accomando, D. Becciolini, A. Belyaev, S. De Curtis, D. Dominici, S.F. King, S. Moretti and C.H. Shepherd-Themistocleous
Lepton flavour universality and lepton flavour conservation tests in kaon decays at CERN, Measurement of the ratio of charged kaon leptonic decay rates prospects for forbidden kaon and pion decay modes
S. Podolsky
EW precision measurements at the LHC: theory review
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L. Barze
Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in NC DY process with ATLAS
R. Caputo
Measurements of the W boson mass and muon charge asymmetry with the D0 detector
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B. Quinn
The resummation of the low-phistar domain of Z production
L. Tomlinson
Measurement of the Z boson transverse momentum: direct and using phi* variable with ATLAS
E. Yatsenko
Session: QCD and Hadronic Final States
Probing non perturbative QCD with Ke4 and K+- -\rightarrow pi+- gamma gamma decays from the NA48/2 and NA62 experiments
D. Madigozhin
Hadron production in e+e- annihilation at BaBar, and implication for the muon anomalous magnetic moment.
D.R. Muller
Strangeness Production in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
K. Begzsuren
High precision measurement of the form factors of the semileptonic decays K+-\rightarrow pi0 l+- nu (Kl3)
D. Madigozhin
Measurement of Charged Particle Spectra in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
A. Bylinkin
Inclusive particle production at LHCb
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D. Volyanskyy
Studies of jet shapes and substructure with ATLAS
O. Gueta
Measurement of kt splitting scales in W → lν events at \sqrt s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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F. Siegert
ATLAS Jet production measurements and determination of alpha_S
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D. Wardrope
Scale Invariant Resonance Tagging in Multijet Events and New Physics Searches in Higgs pair productio
Studies of b-quark jet shapes using top decays with ATLAS
J. Llorente Merino
SM background estimate for supersymmetry searches: challenges and methods
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G.J. Besjes
Transverse energy flow and charged particle event shapes with ATLAS
Final state measurements in top pair events produced at LHC
Jet physics measurements at CMS
P. Lenzi
New photon results from CDF
C. Vellidis, R. Culbertson and T.J. Yang
Measurement of isolated photons with and without accompanying jets at HERA
A. Iudin
Photon, diphoton and photon+jet production measured with the ATLAS detector
M. Svatos
Direct-photon hadron correlations at √s = 200 GeV with PHENIX
A. Hanks
Studies of vector boson+jet production with ATLAS
E. Jansen
Production of multiple electroweak bosons at CMS
D. Trocino
NLO predictions for multileg processes using BlackHat and Sherpa
L. Dixon, Z. Bern, F. Febres Cordero, S. Hoeche, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre and K. Ozeren
Precision Multiboson Phenomenology
F. Campanario, C. Englert, M. Rauch, S. Sapeta and D. Zeppenfeld
Inclusive Cross Sections in ME+PS Merging
S. Plaetzer
Nonperturbative and Parton Shower corrections in matched NLO-shower event generators
S.K. Dooling
Vector boson + jets from kT-dependent parton showers
F. Hautmann and H. Jung
Using 1-Jettiness to Measure 2 Jets in DIS 3 ways
D. Kang, C. Lee and I.W. Stewart
Study of Feynman Scaling in Very Forward Neutron and Photon Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
H. Zohrabyan
Measurement of inclusive production of light charged hadrons at BaBar
I. Garzia
Study of e+e-\rightarrow p anti-p process at BaBar
D.R. Muller
Recent results on quarkonium spectroscopy and exotic quarkonium-like resonances at Belle
D. Santel
Description of the ATLAS jet-veto measurement using the Banfi-Marchesini-Smye equation
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C. Marquet
Resummation of clustering logarithms for non-global QCD observables
Y. Delenda and K. Khelifa-Kerfa
The Vincia parton shower
W. Giele, L. Hartgring, D.A. Kosower, E. Laenen, A. Larkoski, J.J. López-Villarejo, M. Ritzmann and P. Skands
Tools for calculations in color space
M. Sjodahl and S. Keppeler
Monte Carlo techniques in small-x physics: Formal studies and phenomenology
G. Chachamis and A. Sabio Vera
Session: Heavy Flavors
Measurement of Beauty and Charm Photoproduction at HERA
Charmed mesons and leptons from semileptonic decays at the LHC
R. Maciula and A. Szczurek
Charm and beauty production at LHCb
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A. Kozlinskiy
Production cross section of B-meson in ATLAS
E. Rossi
Measurements of beauty quark production at CMS
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M. Galanti
Measurement of Inelastic J/psi and psi' Photoproduction at HERA
A. Bertolin
Production cross section of Quarkonia states in ATLAS
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D. Price
Measurements of Quarkonium polarization at CMS
J. Seixas
Quarkonia and quarkonia-like spectroscopy at LHCb
C. Fitzpatrick
Exotic quarkonium spectroscopy and production
E.A. Yetkin
Precision measurement of charmed meson properties with the BaBar detector
D.R. Muller
Results on conventional and exotic charmonium at BaBar
D. Bernard
Study of mixing, CP violation and polarization of the Bs\rightarrow Ds(*)+ Ds(*)- and a new measurement of Bs\rightarrow Ds(*) h at Belle
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S. Esen
Observation of time reversal violation in B decays and Recent results on CP Violation in B- and D-meson decays at BaBar
L.A. Perez
Predicting radiative B decays to vector mesons in holographic QCD
R. Sandapen and M. Ahmady
New Heavy-flavor results from D0
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I. Bertram
Properties and decays of the Bc meson and b baryons
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Y. Xuhao
Studies of excited charm and beauty mesons at LHCb
V. Gligorov
Studies of rare B meson decays with the CMS detector
Mixing and CP violation in the decay of Bs to J/psi Phi in ATLAS
A. Dewhurst
Study of the decay Bd to K* mu+mu- in ATLAS
S. Turchikhin
Measurements of single top quark processes with CMS
S. Rocker
Is the difference between pole and MSbar masses of top-quark?
M. Kalmykov, F. Jegerlehner and B. Kniehl
Top quark mass measurements with CMS
J. Brochero Cifuentes
Intrinsic top quark properties - top mass, charge and polarisation
M. Franchini
Measurements of the top-quark properties at CMS
E. Yazgan
Top quark pair properties - spin correlations, charge assymetry and complex final states
J.W. Howarth
Open Heavy Flavor Results from PHENIX
L. Patel
Open heavy flavor production at STAR
K. Daniel
Quarkonia results from PHENIX
Quarkonium measurements at STAR
J. Bielcik
Studying hot QCD matter at the CERN-LHC with heavy quarks
A. Mischke
Open heavy-flavour production with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
D. Stocco
Session: Spin
Hadron multiplicities at the HERMES experiment
G. Karyan
Fragmentation Functions measurement at COMPASS
N. Makke
Charge-integrated pion and kaon multiplicities from Belle e+e− annihilation data
C. Van Hulse
Measurement of inclusive production of light charged hadrons at BaBar
I. Garzia
Double spin asymmetry measurement from SANE-HMS data at Jefferson Lab
New COMPASS results on the proton spin-dependent structure function $g_1^p$
V. Andrieux
First JAM results on the determination of polarized parton distributions
A. Accardi, P. Jimenez-Delgado and W. Melnitchouk
W Physics Result of PHENIX
Recent STAR results and future prospects for the W boson program at RHIC at BNL
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B. Surrow
Inclusion of charm and $W$ production data in a polarized PDF determination via Bayesian reweighting
E.R. Nocera
Probing $\Delta g(x)$ at Low x with the PHENIX detector
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M. Chiu
Gluon Polarization and Jet Production in STAR
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C. Gagliardi
Gluon polarisation results from the COMPASS experiment
L. Silva
The Dijet Cross-section Measurement of Polarized Proton-Proton Collisions at \sqrt s = 500 GeV
Double Longitudinal Spin Asymmetry Measurements of Inclusive pi0 and eta Production at PHENIX in 200 GeV Polarized p+p Collisions
M. Sarsour
Forward Neutral Pion Cross Section and Spin Asymmetry Measurements at STAR
S. Gliske and J. Drachenberg
Recent HERMES Results on DVCS and Associated Processes
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S. Yashchenko
Generalized parton distributions from neutrino experiments
B. Kopeliovich, I. Schmidt and M. Siddikov
On timelike and spacelike deeply virtual Compton scattering at next to leading order
J. Wagner, H. Moutarde, B. Pire, F. Sabatie and L. Szymanowski
Soft-collinear resummation in deeply virtual Compton scattering
S. Wallon, T. Altinoluk, B. Pire and L. Szymanowski
Spin-density matrix elements in hard exclusive electroproduction of omega mesons
B. Marianski
Transverse target spin asymmetries in exclusive $\rho^0$ muoproduction
K. Schmidt
From form factors to generalized parton distributions
M. Diehl
Evolution of the helicity and transversity Transverse-Momentum-Dependent parton distributions
A. Prokudin and A. Bacchetta
Universality of TMD distribution functions
M. Buffing, A. Mukherjee and P. Mulders
Towards the phenomenology of TMD's at NNLL
I. Scimemi
Measurement of Collins asymmetries in e+e- annihilation at BaBar
I. Garzia
Studies of TMDs with CLAS
M. Aghasyan and H. Avakian
COMPASS results on the Collins and Sivers asymmetries
A. Martin
Transverse spin asymmetries at COMPASS: beyond Collins and Sivers effects
B. Parsamyan
COMPASS results on transverse spin dependent azimuthal asymmetries in two-hadron production in SIDIS
C. Braun
Dihadron production in semi-inclusive DIS from transversely polarized protons
S. Gliske and L.L. Pappalardo
Extraction of Transversity and Collins functions
S. Melis, M. Anselmino, M.E. Boglione, U. D'Alesio, F. Murgia and A. Prokudin
Valence transversities: the collinear extraction.
A. Courtoy, A. Bacchetta and M. Radici
Beam spin asymmetry of neutral pion in semi-inclusive electroproduction
Unpolarized azimuthal asymmetries in SIDIS at COMPASS
G. Sbrizzai
Single-spin asymmetry for forward neutron production
J. Soffer
On the role of the Sivers effect in AN for inclusive particle production in pp collisions
S. Melis, M. Anselmino, M.E. Boglione, U. D'Alesio, F. Murgia and A. Prokudin
Large p_T Forward Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries of π^0 Mesons at √s= 200 and 500 GeV from STAR.
S. Heppelmann
Highlights of Transverse Spin Physics in PHENIX
O. Eyser
Determining the Higgs spin and parity in the di-photon decay channel using gluon polarization
W. Den Dunnen
Gluon correlations in the transversely polarized nucleon at twist three
K. Tanaka
Linearly polarized gluon distributions at small-x
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F. Dominguez
Contribution of the twist-3 fragmentation function to single transverse-spin asymmetry in SIDIS
K. Kanazawa and Y. Koike
Session: Future Experiments
Upgrade and physics prospects of ALICE
L. Molnar
ATLAS Upgrades Towards the High Luminosity LHC: extending the discovery potential
S. Miglioranzi
The LHCb upgrade
U. Marconi
PHENIX detector upgrades for enhanced physics programs
AFTER@LHC: A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC
A. Rakotozafindrabe, M. Anselmino, R. Arnaldi, E. Scomparin, S.J. Brodsky, V. Chambert, J.P. Didelez, B. Genolini, C. Hadjidakis, J.P. Lansberg, C. Lorcé, P. Rosier, E. Gonzalez Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, I. Schienbein and U. Uggerhoej
Prospects for K\rightarrow p+nunu observation at CERN
A. Cassese
CHIC (Charm in Heavy Ion Collisions): An experiment to measure charm production at the CERN SPS
F. Fleuret
Future GPD measurements using COMPASS at CERN
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E. Burtin
Prospects for the LHeC
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M. Klein
The LHeC accelerator system
O. Bruning
The LHeC detector
D. South, P. Kostka and A. Polini
eRHIC: New Technology Frontiers in machine, IR and detector design
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E.C. Aschenauer
Process dependence and Sivers effect-SIDIS and inclusive jet production
A. Prokudin, L. Gamberg and Z.B. Kang
Status of MEIC Design Studies
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Y. Zhang
Physics capabilities at the MEIC at JLab
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P. Nadel-Turonski
A detailed study of the nucleus at an Electron-Ion Collider
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M.A.C. Lamont
Looking at the photoproduction of massive gauge bosons at the LHeC
M. Machado and C. Brenner Mariotto
Low-x Physics at the LHeC
N. Armesto Perez
Physics of the Higgs boson at the LHeC
B. Garcia Mellado
Detailed studies of neutrino-nucleus scattering with nuSTORM
I. Taylor
K. Dehmelt
DPHEP: From Study Group to Collaboration
D. South
Exploring Confinement at CERN
M.W. Krasny
Joint Session: Spin Physics and Future Experiments
Polarised Drell-Yan measurements at COMPASS-II
M. Chiosso
The Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontier
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A. Deshpande
Physics Opportunities with the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab
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C. Keppel
Joint Session: Structure Functions and Future Experiments
Theoretical foundations of the quantum statistical approach to parton distributions and recent results
J. Soffer
Neutrino-nucleus DIS data and their consistency with nuclear PDFs
H. Paukkunen and C. Salgado
K. Kovarik, T. Jezo, A. Kusina, F. Olness, I. Schienbein, T. Stavreva and J.Y. Yu
Investigating the Nucleon Structure at COMPASS
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B. Badelek
Nuclear PDFs from the LHeC perspective
H. Paukkunen, K. Eskola and N. Armesto Perez
W and Z boson production at CMS
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A. Khukhunaishvili
Measurement of the Neutral Current DY process with the ATLAS detector
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K. Nikolics
Electroweak corrections to Parton distributions
S. Carrazza
The Impact of PDF uncertainties on the measurement of the W boson mass at the Tevatron and the LHC
Electroweak boson production at LHCb
S. Tourneur
Charm production in association with an electroweak gauge boson at the LHC
E. Vryonidou and W.J. Stirling
Weak radiative corrections to dijet production at hadron colliders
S. Dittmaier, A. Huss and C. Speckner
Measurement of V+heavy flavour production at ATLAS
C. Lange
Recent STAR results on the W boson program at RHIC at BNL
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B. Surrow
Joint Session: QCD, Hadronic Final States and Electroweak Physics
Production of Z0 bosons in elastic and quasi-elastic ep collisions at HERA
Search for exotic heavy quark partners
D. Pagano
Search for exotic resonances with top quarks
D. Pagano
MultiJet Predictions for Higgs Studies
J.R. Andersen and J.M. Smillie
Joint Session: Heavy Flavours, QCD and Hadronic Final States
Production of the excited charm mesons D_1 and D_2^* at HERA
A. Verbytskyi
Measurement of charm fragmentation fractions in photoproduction at HERA
Measurement of the flavour composition of dijet events in pp collisions with ATLAS
S. Shimizu
Production of two $c \bar c$ pairs in double-parton scattering within $k_{t}$-factorization approach
R. Maciula
Double parton interactions in double J/Psi production at LHC
N.P. Zotov
Measurement of Quarkonium Production with CMS
Joint Session: Structure Functions and Heavy Flavours
Combination and QCD Analysis of Charm Production Cross Section Measurements in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
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A. Geiser
Heavy-quark production in deep-inelastic scattering
S. Alekhin, J. Bluemlein and S. Moch
A NF-Dependent VFNS for Heavy Flavors: Merging the FFNS and VFNS
A. Kusina, F. Olness, I. Schienbein, T. Jezo, K. Kovarik, T. Stavreva and J.Y. Yu
Measurement of D+ production in Deep Inelastic ep Scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA
O. Zenaiev
Measurement of charm production in DIS with D* mesons and extraction of F2cc
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O. Bachynska
3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections to Deep-Inelastic Scattering
J. Bluemlein
Charm quark mass dependence in CTEQ NNLO global analysis
M. Guzzi, J. Gao and P. Nadolsky
Probing the intrinsic heavy quark content of the nucleon through direct photon plus heavy quark production
T. Stavreva
Joint Session: Diffraction and QCD
Studies of the underlying event with ATLAS
O. Kepka
Diffractive mechanisms in pp\rightarrow pp pi0 reaction at high energies
P. Lebiedowicz
Modeling the elastic differential cross-section at LHC
D. Fagundes
Forward jets, forward+central dijets and dijets with large rapidity separations in p-p collisions in CMS
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A. Knutsson
Diffractive dijet photoproduction in ep collisions with a leading proton at HERA.
Mueller Navelet jets at LHC: a clean test of QCD resummation effects at high energy?
B. Ducloué, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
Public Lecture
The search of a deeper understanding of our universe at the Large Hadron Collider: the World’s Largest Particle Accelerator
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R. Heuer