Beauty 2013 - (other beauty conferences)
April 8-12, 2013
Bologna, Italy
published October 01, 2013
The purpose of the Beauty 2013 conference is to review results in the field of B-physics and CP-violation, as well as to explore the physics potential of existing and upcoming B-physics experiments, with a focus on hadron machines.
conference main image
Hot Topics from LHC
CP Violation
Heavy Flavour Production
Lepton Flavour Violation and Tau Physics
Rare B Decays
Charm Physics
CKM Elements and Sides of the Unitarity Triangle / Non-perturbative QCD methods
Aspects of LHC Data Taking
Kaon and Top Physics
Bs mixing and lifetimes
Future Projects and Outlook
V. Vagnoni
Hot Topics from LHC
Higgs Search in bbar Signatures at ATLAS and CMS
Constraints on new physics from the LHC
S. Krutelyov
Higgs couplings and Electroweak Precision data
CP Violation
Charge Asymmetries in Semi-Leptonic B Decays
I. Bertram
LHCb Semileptonic Asymmetry
M. Vesterinen
CP & T Violation at BaBar and BELLE
C. Cartaro
CP Violation Theory
L. Silvestrini
An improved measurement of direct CP violation parameters in B± \rightarrow J/\psi K± and B± \rightarrow J/\psi \pi ± Decays
I. Bertram
Hadronic B decays to open charm and time-independent gamma results at LHCb
LHCb gamma results: time-dependent and combination
M. Schiller
Charmless B \rightarrow VV decays at LHCb
P. Alvarez-Cartelle
Time integrated and time dependent asymmetries in B\rightarrow hh’ (h=K,\pi ,p) decays at LHCb
A. Martens
Charmless B± \rightarrow h±h+h- decays at LHCb
Searching for New Physics through correlations of Flavour Observables
J. Girrbach
Heavy Flavour Production
\Upsilon (nS) Polarization Results: Summary from CMS and CDF
I. Kratschmer
LHCb results on production, polarization and production asymmetries
G. Sabatino
ALICE/ATLAS/CMS Production and quenching of heavy flavours: pp, pA, AA comparisons
\Upsilon suppression in PbPb collisions at the LHC
Lepton Flavour Violation and Tau Physics
Lepton flavor violation including Tau\rightarrow mumumu
Rare B Decays
Theory Review of Bs,d \rightarrow mu+mu- Decays
W. Altmannshofer
Search for the rare decays B0\rightarrow mu+mu- and Bs\rightarrow mu+mu- with the CMS detector
M. De Mattia
ATLAS Bs\rightarrow \mu \mu
Very rare decays at LHCb
F. Dettori
Phenomenology of exclusive rare semileptonic decays
D. Van Dyk
Angular analysis and branching ratio measurement of the decay B0 \rightarrow K*0 \mu + \mu -
M. Dinardo
Bd \rightarrow K*\mu \mu with ATLAS
A. Usanova
Electroweak penguins with di-leptons
Rare B Decays at BaBar and Belle
D. Lindemann
B\rightarrow \tau \nu and B\rightarrow D(*)\tau \nu at Belle and BaBar
Charm Physics
Charm mixing and CP violation at LHCb
Observation of charm mixing at CDF
P. Maestro
Highlights from BESIII
Rare charm decays at LHCb
Theory of D-meson decays
CKM Elements and Sides of the Unitarity Triangle / Non-perturbative QCD methods
Non-perturbative (Lattice) QCD in B Physics
Magnitudes of Vxb CKM matrix elements
G. Ricciardi
Aspects of LHC Data Taking
Vertex and track reconstruction in ATLAS and CMS
ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Trigger/DAQ systems for flavour physics
L. Guiducci
Particle identification at LHC: Alice and LHCb
F. Machefert
Exotic Heavy Quark Spectroscopy – Theory Interpretation vs Data
C. Hambrock
Heavy Flavor Spectroscopy and Production in CMS
S. Fiorendi
Spectroscopy of excited states at ATLAS
C. Cuthbert
Spectroscopy at LHCb
M. Needham
BABAR /Belle Heavy hadron production and decays, including Y(4260), Y(4350) and Y(4660) states
E. Fioravanti
Semileptonic Bs decays and Spectroscopy from the Y(5S)
Kaon and Top Physics
Top Quark Physics at LHC. Results on CP violation and FCNC in top quark decays
The "wrong flavour": topics on Kaon physics
B. Sciascia
Bs mixing and lifetimes
Phenomenology with a non-zero Bs lifetime difference
R. Knegjens
Measurement of \phi s, \Delta \Gamma s and Lifetime in Bs \rightarrow J/\psi \Phi at ATLAS and CMS
B and \Lambda b lifetimes at ATLAS and CMS
C. Schiavi
Future Projects and Outlook
The LHCb Upgrade
M. Martinelli
ATLAS and CMS Upgrade Plans
U. Parzefal
Beauty 2013 – summary and outlook
G. Wilkinson
Radiative Decays at LHCb
M.C. Orlandea
Time-dependent CP Violation in Bd\rightarrow eta'Ks at Belle
L. Santelj
Optimization and calibration of flavour tagging algorithms from the LHCb experiment
A. Falabella
LHCb Muon System: performance at high luminosity
Measurement of the X(3872) production cross section via decays to J/Psipipi
M. Dall'Osso
Muon reconstruction and preformances with the ATLAS detector
Charm production cross section at CDF II
M. Mussini and E. Gramellini
Inner tracking performance in ATLAS: vertex and mass resolution
I. Chalupkova
Flavour tagging and systematics for Bs\rightarrow J/PsiPhi measurement in ATLAS
T. Agatonovic-Jovin
Fixing the parameters of Lattice HQET including 1/mB terms