Introduction |
Hot Topics from LHC |
Higgs Search in bbar Signatures at ATLAS and CMS
Constraints on new physics from the LHC
Higgs couplings and Electroweak Precision data
CP Violation |
Charge Asymmetries in Semi-Leptonic B Decays
LHCb Semileptonic Asymmetry
CP & T Violation at BaBar and BELLE
CP Violation Theory
An improved measurement of direct CP violation parameters in B± \rightarrow J/\psi K± and B± \rightarrow J/\psi \pi ± Decays
Hadronic B decays to open charm and time-independent gamma results at LHCb
LHCb gamma results: time-dependent and combination
Charmless B \rightarrow VV decays at LHCb
Time integrated and time dependent asymmetries in B\rightarrow hh’ (h=K,\pi ,p) decays at LHCb
Charmless B± \rightarrow h±h+h- decays at LHCb
Searching for New Physics through correlations of Flavour Observables
Heavy Flavour Production |
\Upsilon (nS) Polarization Results: Summary from CMS and CDF
LHCb results on production, polarization and production asymmetries
ALICE/ATLAS/CMS Production and quenching of heavy flavours: pp, pA, AA comparisons
\Upsilon suppression in PbPb collisions at the LHC
Lepton Flavour Violation and Tau Physics |
Lepton flavor violation including Tau\rightarrow mumumu
Rare B Decays |
Theory Review of Bs,d \rightarrow mu+mu- Decays
Search for the rare decays B0\rightarrow mu+mu- and Bs\rightarrow mu+mu- with the CMS detector
ATLAS Bs\rightarrow \mu \mu
Very rare decays at LHCb
Phenomenology of exclusive rare semileptonic decays
Angular analysis and branching ratio measurement of the decay B0 \rightarrow K*0 \mu + \mu -
Bd \rightarrow K*\mu \mu with ATLAS
Electroweak penguins with di-leptons
Rare B Decays at BaBar and Belle
B\rightarrow \tau \nu and B\rightarrow D(*)\tau \nu at Belle and BaBar
Charm Physics |
Charm mixing and CP violation at LHCb
Observation of charm mixing at CDF
Highlights from BESIII
Rare charm decays at LHCb
Theory of D-meson decays
CKM Elements and Sides of the Unitarity Triangle / Non-perturbative QCD methods |
Non-perturbative (Lattice) QCD in B Physics
Magnitudes of Vxb CKM matrix elements
Aspects of LHC Data Taking |
Vertex and track reconstruction in ATLAS and CMS
ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Trigger/DAQ systems for flavour physics
Particle identification at LHC: Alice and LHCb
Spectroscopy |
Exotic Heavy Quark Spectroscopy – Theory Interpretation vs Data
Heavy Flavor Spectroscopy and Production in CMS
Spectroscopy of excited states at ATLAS
Spectroscopy at LHCb
BABAR /Belle Heavy hadron production and decays, including Y(4260), Y(4350) and Y(4660) states
Semileptonic Bs decays and Spectroscopy from the Y(5S)
Kaon and Top Physics |
Top Quark Physics at LHC. Results on CP violation and FCNC in top quark decays
The "wrong flavour": topics on Kaon physics
Bs mixing and lifetimes |
Phenomenology with a non-zero Bs lifetime difference
Measurement of \phi s, \Delta \Gamma s and Lifetime in Bs \rightarrow J/\psi \Phi at ATLAS and CMS
B and \Lambda b lifetimes at ATLAS and CMS
Future Projects and Outlook |
The LHCb Upgrade
ATLAS and CMS Upgrade Plans
Beauty 2013 – summary and outlook
Posters |
Radiative Decays at LHCb
Time-dependent CP Violation in Bd\rightarrow eta'Ks at Belle
Optimization and calibration of flavour tagging algorithms from the LHCb experiment
LHCb Muon System: performance at high luminosity
Measurement of the X(3872) production cross section via decays to J/Psipipi
Muon reconstruction and preformances with the ATLAS detector
Charm production cross section at CDF II
Inner tracking performance in ATLAS: vertex and mass resolution
Flavour tagging and systematics for Bs\rightarrow J/PsiPhi measurement in ATLAS
Fixing the parameters of Lattice HQET including 1/mB terms