CPOD 2013 - (other cpod conferences)
March 11-15 2013
Napa, California, USA
published September 13, 2013
The purpose of the CPOD workshop series is to discuss theoretical and experimental progress in studies of the QCD phase diagram and properties of strongly interacting matter at high temperature and density. Particular emphasis is put on the physics at non-zero baryon number density.
Parallel Sessions
Exploring the QCD phase diagram through high energy nuclear collisions: An overview
B. Mohanty
Charged Hadron Nuclear Modification Factors in the Beam Energy Scan Data from STAR
S. Horvat
The RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program: Results from the PHENIX Experiment
J. Mitchell
Highlights from the NA61/SHINE Experiment at the CERN SPS
K. Grebieszkow
Multiplicity Fluctuations of Identified Hadrons in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at the CERN
A. Rustamov
Di-lepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
Beam Energy Dependence of Dilepton Production
Hadronization, Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Freeze-Out
F. Becattini
Hadronic Freeze-Out in A+A Collisions meets the Lattice QCD Parton-Hadron Transition Line
R. Stock, F. Becattini, M. Bleicher, T. Kollegger, T. Schuster and J. Steinheimer
Constructing the liquid-vapor phase diagram of infinite nuclear matter
Spinodal Crumbling
J. Steinheimer and J. Randrup
The QGP Equation of State by Measuring the Color Suppression Factor at RHIC and LHC Energies
R. Scharenberg
Beam Energy Dependence of Higher Moments of Net-proton Multiplicity Distributions in Heavy-ion Collisions at RHIC
Dynamic Enhancement of Fluctuation Signals at the QCD Phase Transition
C. Herold, M. Nahrgang, I. Mishustin and M. Bleicher
Kinetics of Chiral Transition and Domain Growth for Quark Matter
H. Mishra
Viewing the Chemical Evolution of the QGP through Charge Correlations
Neutron Stars and the EOS
M. Prakash
The Chrial Magnetic Wave and Strong Field Effects in Heavy Ion Collisions
Astrophysics Constraints on the EOS
D. Blaschke
Effective theory of Yang-Mills thermodynamics
C. Sasaki
Collision Energy Evolution of Elliptic and Triangular Flow in a Hybrid Model
J. Auvinen and H. Petersen
Heavy Flavor Mesons in Strong Magnetic Fields
Beam Energy Dependence of Strange Hadron Production at RHIC
Quantifying the Sensitivity of Experimental Data to Variations in the QGP Equation of State
From p+p to Pb+Pb Collisions: Wounded Nucleon versus Statistical Models
M. Gazdzicki
Deconfinement of strangeness and freeze-out from charge fluctuations
S. Mukherjee and M. Wagner
Unfolding of event-by-event net-charge distributions in heavy-ion collisions
P. Garg, D.K. Mishra, P. Netrakanti, A.K. Mohanty and B. Mohanty
RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program: Phase I and II
G. Odyniec
RHIC Low Energy Acceleration
C. Montag and A. Fedotov
The last word(s) on CPOD 2013
F. Karsch
Parallel Sessions
Energy and centrality dependence of chemical freeze-out parameters from model calculations
Energy Dependence of Chemical Fluctuations in p +p Interactions from NA61/SHINE
M. Mackowiak-Pawlowska
Energy Dependence of ϕ-meson Production and Elliptic Flow in Au+Au Collisions at STAR
Moments of the Net-charge Multiplicity Distribution in Au+Au Collisions Measured by the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
Correlated D-meson decays competing against thermal QGP dilepton radiation
T. Lang, H. van Hees, J. Steinheimer and M. Bleicher
Studies of Dilepton Production in Coarse-Grained Transport Dynamics
S. Endres, H. van Hees and M. Bleicher
The Chiral Phase Transition from Lattice QCD with Physical Pion Masses and Domain Wall Fermions
C. Schroeder
Charged Particle Anisotropic Flow v2,3,4 in Pb-Pb Collisions at Midrapidity Measured by ALICE
Hadronic Resonance Production with ALICE Experiment at LHC
S. Singha
Identified Hadron Spectra in p+p Interactions at 20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c from NA61/SHINE at the CERN SPS
S. Pulawski
Critical Point and Deconfinement from Dyson-Schwinger Equations
J. Luecker, C. Fischer, L. Fister and J.M. Pawlowski
QCD Equation of State From a Chiral Hadronic Model Including Quark Degrees of Freedom
P. Rau, J. Steinheimer, S. Schramm and H. Stoecker
Flavor Hierarchy in the Confinement Transition of QCD
P. Alba, W.M. Alberico, M. Bluhm, C. Ratti and R. Bellwied
Higher moments of net kaon multiplicity distributions at RHIC energies for the search of QCD Critical Point
A. Sarkar
Transverse momentum and azimuthal angle fluctuations in p+p interactions at the CERN SPS energies
T. Czopowicz