PSTP2013 - (other pstp conferences)
9 - 13 September, 2013
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
published June 18, 2014
The Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets and Polarimetry is sponsored by the International Spin Physics Committee and has been a tradition for more than 20 years, moving between the USA, Europe and Japan. The XVth International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets and Polarimetry (PTSP 2013) will take place at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, and will be co-hosted by the University of Virginia and Jefferson Lab, whose scientists have long been active in spin physics and in fundamental symmetry measurements. The workshop addresses the physics and technological challenges related to polarized gas/solid targets, polarized electron/positron/ion/neutron sources, polarimetry and their applications.
conference main image
Welcome and Introduction
Solid Polarized Solid Targets I
Solid Polarized Solid Targets II
Applications of Spin
Solid Polarized Solid Targets III
Polarized Internal Targets
Polarized He-3 Targets
New Facilities
Polarized Electron Sources I
Electron Polarimetry I
Electron Polarimetry II
Polarized Electron Sources II
Polarized Proton and Ion Sources I
Polarized Proton and Ion Sources II
Hadron Polarimetry I
Hadron Polarimetry II
Electron Sources III
Polarized Electron Sources IV
Polarized Proton and Ion Sources III
Polarized Porotn and ion Sources IV
Welcome and Introduction
Preface to PSTP 2013 Proceedings
D. Crabb and M. Poelker
Introduction and welcome
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T. Skalak
The 12 GeV physics program at Jlab
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R. McKeown
A Short History of Spin
R. Milner
Solid Polarized Solid Targets I
Physics of polarized targets (in memory of Michel Borghini and Franz Lehar)
T. Niinikoski
Recent research activities and results of the Bochum/Bonn Polarized Target Group
Double polarized measurements with frozen spin target at MAMI
A. Thomas
Solid Polarized Solid Targets II
Neutron spin filter based on dynamically polarized protons using photo-excited triplet states
T. Eichhorn
Novel Physics with tensor polarized deuteron targets
K. Slifer and E. Long
COMPASS polarized target for Drell-Yan
M. Pesek and J. Matousek
Investigation into polarization uncertainty minimization of solid polarized targets
D. Keller
Applications of Spin
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S. Wolf
Polarized fusion: can polarization help to increase the energy output of fusion reactors?
Search for Electric Dipole Moments with Polarized Beams in Storage Rings.
P. Lenisa
Using Polarimetry To Determine The CEBAF Beam Energy
D. Higinbotham
Solid Polarized Solid Targets III
Electrons on the HDice target: results and analysis of test runs at JLab in 2012
M.M. Lowry
Boosting Deuteron Polarization in HD Targets: Experience of moving spins between H and D with RF methods during the E06-101 experiment at Jefferson Lab
HD gas purification for polarized HDice targets production at Jefferson Lab
C.S. Whisnant, A. D’Angelo, L. Colaneri, J.H. Devilbiss, T. Kageya, D.A. Loving, M.M. Lowry, A. Rizzo, A. Sandorfi, C. Schaerf, E. Speiser, J. Storey, C. Wallace, X. Wei and I. Zonta
The HIGS frozen spin target
P.N. Seo
Polarized Internal Targets
Polarized Hydrogen/Deuterium molecules - A new option for polarized targets?
R. Engels, R. Gorski, K. Grigoryev, L. Kochenda, P. Kravtsov, M. Mikirtychiants, F. Rathmann, H. Paetz gen. Schieck, H. Stroeher, V. Trofimov, A. Vasiliev and M. Vznuzdaev
Polarimetry for the polarized deuterium target at ANKE/COSY
Upgrade of the PAX H and D polarized internal target for precision measurements at COSY
G. Ciullo, M. Statera, L. Barion, P. Lenisa, G. Tagliente and A. Nass
Polarized He-3 Targets
Polarized 3He spin filters for neutron science
T.R. Gentile
Spine-exchange polarized He-3 for electron scattering
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G. Cates
Jlab polarized He-3 target
New Facilities
Polarized electron beams in the MEIC collider ring at JLab
F. Lin, S. Derbenev, V. Morozov, Y. Zhang and D.P. Barber
Ion polarization control in MEIC rings using small magnetic fields integrals
V. Morozov, S. Derbenev, F. Lin, Y. Zhang, A. Kondratenko, M. Kondratenko and Y. Filatov
Electron and ion spin dynamics at eRHIC
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V. Ptitsyn
Polarimetry requirements at eRHIC
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E.C. Aschenauer
Overview of High Intensity Gamma-ray Source at TUNL - Capabilities and Future Upgrades
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Y.K. Wu
Polarized Electron Sources I
PEPPo: using a polarized electron beam to produce polarized positrons
J. Grames
Optically‐pumped spin‐exchange polarized electron source
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M. Pirbhai
Demands on polarized electron sources by future experiments in parity violating electron scattering
M.M. Dalton
Electron Polarimetry I
Overview of electron polarimetry
C.K. Sinclair
Precision polarimetry results at Jlab, 6 GeV
G.B. Franklin
Precision Compton polarimetry for Hall C at Jefferson Lab
D. Jones
Electron Polarimetry II
Møller Polarimetry with Polarized Atomic Hydrogen at MESA
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P.A. Bartolome
High precision Compton polarimetry at 11 GeV Jefferson Lab
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K. Paschke
A spin-light polarimeter for multi-GeV longitudinally polarized electron beams
P. Mohanmurthy and D. Dutta
Sub-percent precision Møller polarimetry in experimental Hall C
J. Magee
Polarized Electron Sources II
Mott Polarimeter Upgrade at Jefferson Lab
M.J. McHugh
Funneling multiple bunches of high-charge polarized electrons
E. Wang, I. Ben-zvi, D.M. Gassner, W. Meng, J. Skaritka and T. Rao
High performance spin-polarized photocathode using GaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated superlattice
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X.G. Jin
Status of high intensity polarized electron gun project
E. Tsentalovich
Polarized Proton and Ion Sources I
Dudnikov retrospective I
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S. Derbenev
Dudnikov retrospective II
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D.K. Toporkov
Dudnikov retrospective III
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A.S. Belov
Polarized Proton and Ion Sources II
Polarized 3He source development for RHIC
J.D. Maxwell
The RHIC polarized source upgrade
A. Zelenski
Polarization optimization studies for OPPIS
G. Atoian
Perspective for development of a universal source of highly polarized ions
V. Dudnikov
Perspective for development of a source of highly polarized 3He- ions
V. Dudnikov and A. Dudnikov
Hadron Polarimetry I
The recoil polarization experiments at Jefferson Lab
C. Perdrisat
Precision, absolute proton polarization measurements at 200 MeV
G. Atoian and A. Zelenski
Polarimetry at the AGS
A. Poblaguev
Measurement of the proton beam polarization with ultra thin carbon targets at RHIC
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D. Smirnov
Hadron Polarimetry II
The polarized hydrogen jet target measurements at RHIC
A. Poblaguev
Polarization measurements and absolute polarization values evolution during proton beam acceleration in the RHIC accelerator complex
A. Zelenski
A Helium-3 polarimeter using electromagnetic interference
N.H. Buttimore
Electron Sources III
The cathode preparation chamber for the DC high current high polarization gun (the Gatling gun)
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O. Rahman
Investigation of pulsed spin polarized electron beams at the S-DALINAC
M. Espig, J. Enders, Y. Fritzsche and M. Wagner
Two Novel Approaches for Electron Beam Polarization from Unstrained GaAs
J.L. McCarter, M. Poelker, T.J. Gay, N.B. Clayburn, J.M. Dreiling, D.M. Ryan, A. Afanasev, A. Kechiantz and J. Hansknecht
Polarized Electron Sources IV
Photocathode materials able to sustain high currents
Z. Li, K. Yang, J. Riso and R.A. Lukaszew
High average brightness electron beam production at Cornell University
J. Maxson
Polarized Xe129 for medical imaging
B. Hersman
Polarized Proton and Ion Sources III
Polarized atomic beam sources: from the very start up to present days
D.K. Toporkov
Polarized protons in the Fermilab main injector
W. Lorenzon and C.A. Aidala
Status of the new source of polarized ions for the JINR accelerator complex
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V. Fimushkin
Polarized Porotn and ion Sources IV
Polarized ion sources with nearly resonant charge- exchange plasma ionizer: parameters and possibilities for improvements
A.S. Belov
Long term performance of the COSY/Jülich polarized ion source
O. Felden, R. Gebel, R. Maier and S. Mey
DSMC simulations of polarized atomic beam sources including magnetic fields
M. Gaisser, A. Nass and H. Stroeher
Concluding remarks
E. Steffens