INTEGRAL 2012 - (other integral conferences)
15-19 October 2012
Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris, France
published July 18, 2013
The 9th INTEGRAL workshop "An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)" took place from 15 to 19 October 2012 in Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Bibliothèque François Mitterrand). The workshop was sponsored by ESA, CNES and other French and European Institutions.

During this week, and in particular on 17 October 2012, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the launch of the INTEGRAL mission.

The main goal of this workshop was to present and to discuss (via invited and contributed talks and posters) latest results obtained in the field of high-energy astrophysics using the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory INTEGRAL, as well as results from observations from other ground- and space-based high-energy observatories and from associated multi-wavelength campaigns.

Contributions to the workshop covered the following scientific topics: - X-ray binaries (IGR sources, black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs) - Isolated neutron stars (gamma-ray pulsars, magnetars) - Nucleo-synthesis (SNe, Novae, SNRs, ISM) and gamma-ray lines (511 keV) - Galactic diffuse continuum emission (including Galactic Ridge) - Massive black holes in AGNs, elliptical galaxies, nucleus of the Galaxy - Sky surveys, source populations and unidentified gamma-ray sources - Cosmic background radiation - Gamma-ray bursts - Coordinated observations with other ground- and space-based observatories - Science data processing and analysis (posters only) - Future instruments and missions (posters only)

conference main image
Integral mission, contest and conference highlights
Isolated Neutron Stars, Pulsar Wind Nebulae and polarization studies
X-ray Binaries I: Neutron Star High Mass X-ray Binaries
X-ray Binaries II: Low Mass XRB, Black Hole XRB and Microquasars
Active Galactic Nuclei, Ultra Luminous X-ray sources and Cosmic X-ray Background
Surveys, population studies and follow-up of IGR sources
Nucleosynthesis and X/gamma-ray diffuse emission
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Acceleration, Solar Flares and gamma-ray binaires
Future missions, instrumentation and data analysis
Integral mission, contest and conference highlights
INTEGRAL – status of the mission after 10 years
Current and Future Gamma Ray Astronomy related to INTEGRAL
Highlights of the workshop
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W. Hermsen
Isolated Neutron Stars, Pulsar Wind Nebulae and polarization studies
Observations of the Crab Nebula with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
M. Weisskopf
INTEGRAL observations of gamma-ray polarized sources: from the Crab pulsar to Cygnus X-1
P. Laurent, D. Gotz, C. Gouiffes, V. Grinberg, P. Moran, J. Rodriguez and J. Wilms
Linking the soft gamma-ray pulsar population with the Fermi LAT pulsar population: completing the high-energy picture
Flares and outbursts from magnetars observed by INTEGRAL
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S. Mereghetti
INTEGRAL/IBIS and optical observations of the Crab nebula/pulsar polarisation
X-ray Binaries I: Neutron Star High Mass X-ray Binaries
INTEGRAL's contributions to the understandidng of the evolution of X-ray Binaries
E. van den Heuvel
Hercules X-1: variations of the cyclotron line energy with flux, with phase and with time
R. Staubert
Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients: a review
The paradigm of atypical HMXRBs: 4U 2206+54
An INTEGRAL view of High Mass X-ray Binaries : their nature, formation and evolution
Investigating the nature of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients using INTEGRAL and XMM Newton
Probing the configuration of the emitting structure in accreting pulsars using luminosity-related spectral changes
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D. Klochkov
The Be X-ray Binary Outburst Zoo
P. Kretschmar, E. Nespoli, P. Reig and F. Anders
GRO J1008 57: a laboratory for accretion physics
M. Kühnel, S. Mueller, F. Fuerst, F. Schwarm, I. Kreykenbohm, J. Wilms, K. Pottschmidt, S. Suchy, R.E. Rothschild, I. Caballero, P. Kretschmar, G. Schoenherr, D. Klochkov and R. Staubert
Population of high mass binaries in the Milky Way. INTEGRAL legacy Survey
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A. Lutovinov
The structure of hot-star winds revealed through XMM-Newton observations of Vela X-1
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S. Martinez
Boon and bane of studying the multiple cyclotron source 4U 0115+63
S. Mueller, C. Ferrigno, M. Kühnel, G. Schoenherr, P.A. Becker, M.T. Wolff, D. Hertel, F. Schwarm, V. Grinberg, M. Obst, I. Caballero, K. Pottschmidt, F. Fuerst, I. Kreykenbohm, R.E. Rothschild, P. Hemphill, S. Martinez, J.M. Torrejon, D. Klochkov, R. Staubert and J. Wilms
Spectral states in Be/X-ray pulsars
E. Nespoli and P. Reig
Quasi-spherical accretion in low-luminosity X-ray pulsars: Theory vs observations
K. Postnov, N.I. Shakura, A.Y. Kochetkova and L. Hjalmarsdotter
DASCH 100-yr light curves of high mass X-ray binaries
M. Servillat, S. Tang, J.E. Grindlay and E. Los
Constraining neutron star masses form hydrodynamic simulations of obscured HMXB
An INTEGRAL spectral and timing history of 1A 1118-615
X Per pulse period evolution
P. Blay and V. Reglero
GX 304 1 and NuSTAR's plans on transient X-ray binaries
Spectral Analysis of New X-ray Outbursts from the SFXT AX J1845.0-0433
M. Goossens, A. Bazzano, T. Bird, S. Drave, A. Hill, V. Sguera and L. Sidoli
Suzaku observations of the multiple cyclotron source 4U 0115+63
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D. Hertel, S. Mueller, M. Kühnel, K. Pottschmidt, I. Kreykenbohm, F. Fuerst, C. Ferrigno, D.M. Marcu, P. Kretschmar, R.E. Rothschild, D. Klochkov, R. Staubert, M.T. Wolff, A. Santangelo, J. Wilms and Y. Takayuki
A0535+26 during the 2010 outburst observed with INTEGRAL and RXTE
D. Mueller, D. Klochkov, I. Caballero, R. Staubert and A. Santangelo
On the physical meaning of the 2.1 keV absorption feature in 4U 1538 52
J.J.R. Rodes, J.M. Torrejon, S. Martinez and J. Bernabeu
Comprehensive study on RXTE & INTEGRAL observation fof the X-ray Pulsar 4U 1907+09
S. Sahiner, S.C. Inam, A. Baykal and Ü. Kiziloğlu
INTEGRAL study of the candidate SFXT IGR J18462-0223
The Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient with the shortest orbital period: Suzaku observes one orbit in IGR J16479-4514
L. Sidoli, P. Esposito, V. Sguera, A. Bodaghee, J. Tomsick, K. Pottschmidt, J. Rodriguez, P. Romano and J. Wilms
X-ray Binaries II: Low Mass XRB, Black Hole XRB and Microquasars
Accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars: 10 years of INTEGRAL observations
Fundamental Physics with X-Ray Binaries
Black hole X-ray Binaries
XMM-Newton and Swift observations of XTE J1743-363
IGR J17091-3624: a GRS 1915-105 like source as seen by INTEGRAL and Swift
F. Capitanio, M. Delsanto, E. Bozzo, G. De Cesare, C. Ferrigno and A. Paizis
Peculiarities in the orbital and precessional variability of SS433 from INTEGRAL observations
A. Cherepashchuk, R. Sunyaev, S. Molkov, E. Antokhina, K. Postnov and A. Bogomazov
Constraining the magnetic field in the X-ray corona of Cyg X-1 with INTEGRAL
M. Delsanto
4 years of Fermi-LAT observations of gamma-ray binaries: from microquasars to gamma-ray novae
The multiwavelength spectral and timing properties of a major radio flare episode in Cygnus X-3
K. Koljonen, M. McCollough, D. Hannikainen and R. Droulans
Gamma-ray monitoring of Galactic Microquasar
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S. Sabatini
High energy characteristics of Neutron star low mass X-ray binaries as seen by INTEGRAL: the 4U 1722-30 case
XMM and INTEGRAL Simultaneous Observations of 1E 1740.7-2942
M.A. Castro, T. Maiolino, F. D'Amico, J. Wilms, K. Pottschmidt and J. Braga
Search and analysis of type I X-ray bursts based on the IBIS/ISGRI and JEM-X data: status
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I. Chelovekov
What can NuSTAR do for thermonuclear X-ray bursts?
J. Chenevez, J. Tomsick, D. Chakrabarty, F. Paerels and F.E. Christensen
Testing reflection features in 4U 1705-44 with XMM-Newton, BeppoSAX and RXTE in the hard and soft state
Cygnus X-1: shedding light on the spectral variability of a black hole
V. Grinberg
Hard X-ray properties of cataclysmic variables
Spectra and fast multi-wavelength variability of compact jets powered by internal shocks
Outburst and Bursts of IGR J17473-2721
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C. Yu-Peng
Determination of the masses of the components of the HDE 226868/Cyg X-1 binary system
J. Ziolkowski
Active Galactic Nuclei, Ultra Luminous X-ray sources and Cosmic X-ray Background
Supermassive black holes and their effects on their galactic hosts
Active Galactic Nuclei: present observations and prospects
T.J.L. Courvoisier
Review on Active-Galactic Nuclei at hard X-ray energies
L. Bassani, M. Molina, A. Malizia, F. Panessa, R. Landi, A. Bazzano, P. Ubertini, T. Bird and J.B. Stephen
Gamma-ray emitting radio galaxies at hard X-rays: Seyfert core or jet emission?
V. Beckmann, S. De Jong, F. Mattana, D. Saez and S. Soldi
MeV blazars: results and perspectives
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I. Donnarumma
Towards a unified AGN structure of accretion powered sources
The INTEGRAL view of the Extragalactic Sky
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A. Malizia
The X-ray versus Radio correlation in a sample of INTEGRAL AGN
F. Panessa, L. Bassani, A. Bazzano, G. Bicknell, P. Castangia, E. Maiorano, A. Malizia, P. Parma, A. Tarchi and P. Ubertini
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: testing realistic comptonization models
P.O. Petrucci, S. Paltani, J. Malzac, J. Kaastra, M. Cappi, G. Ponti, B. de Marco, G. Kriss, K. Steenbrugge, S. Bianchi, G. Branduardi-Raymont, M. Mehdipour, E. Costantini, M. Dadina and P. Lubinski
Hard X-ray properties of ultraluminous X-ray sources
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S. Sazonov
AGN variability at hard X-rays
S. Soldi, W. Baumgartner, V. Beckmann, H.A. Krimm, P. Lubinski, F. Mattana, G. Ponti, C. Shrader and J. Tueller
A panchromatic view of blazars: constraining acceleration and emission processes in relativistic jets.
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A. Tramacere
Spectrum of the cosmic X-ray background from new INTEGRAL Earth observations
M. Turler, N. Produit, L. Pavan, C. Ferrigno and P. Bordas
Chasing extreme blazars with INTEGRAL
L. Bassani, M. Molina, R. Landi, A. Malizia, T. Bird, A. Bazzano and P. Ubertini
The AGN phenomenon: open issues
V. Beckmann and C. Shrader
M87 in hard X-rays
S. De Jong, V. Beckmann, S. Soldi, J.A. Zurita Heras and F. Mattana
The high-energy spectrum of 3C 273
V. Esposito, R. Walter, P. Jean and A. Tramacere
A Search for heavily obscured AGN in the 2nd Palermo BAT Survey
V. La Parola
The INTEGRAL/IBIS Complete Sample of Type 1 AGN
M. Molina, L. Bassani, A. Malizia, A. Bazzano, P. Ubertini and T. Bird
A Tidal Disruption Event detected by INTEGRAL
Surveys, population studies and follow-up of IGR sources
The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR): Science Mission and Performance
Global view of the Galaxy with INTEGRAL: populations of binaries and extended emission
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M. Revnivtsev
The Timing Characteristics of the INTEGRAL populations
Clustering between HMXBs and OB associations in the MilkyWay
A. Bodaghee, J. Tomsick, J. Rodriguez and B.J. James
The combined Survey of INTEGRAL/IBIS and Swift/BAT
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E. Bottacini
Distribution of High Mass X-ray Binaries in the Milky Way
Discovery and follow-up of new INTEGRAL transients.
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C. Ferrigno
The INTEGRAL Galactic Plane Scanning
M.T. Fiocchi
The Galactic bulge as a Christmas tree: results from almost 10 years of INTEGRAL monitoring
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E. Kuulkers
Recent news from H.E.S.S. galactic plane
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V. Marandon
Follow-up observations of INTEGRAL sources: an X-ray focus on IGR sources
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J. Rodriguez
High energy emission of variable objects in the OMC-VAR Catalogue
J. Alfonso-Garzon
On the Temporal Characteristics of Persistent Integral Sources
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G. Belanger
Results from the first year of the INTEGRAL Spiral Arms Monitoring Program
A. Bodaghee
XMM-Newton observations of five INTEGRAL sources located towards the Scutum Arm
A. Bodaghee, J. Tomsick and J. Rodriguez
Chandra provides new X-ray positions for IGR J16393−4643 and IGR J17091−3624
A. Bodaghee, F. Rahoui, J. Tomsick and J. Rodriguez
Herschel observations of INTEGRAL supergiant High Mass X-ray Binaries
S. Chaty, A. Coleiro, M. Servillat, J.A. Zurita Heras and F. Rahoui
Variability of the GeV sky
M. Chernyakova, A. Neronov, D. Malyshev and A. Lutovinov
Identification of new X-ray binaries detected by INTEGRAL through near infrared photometry and spectroscopy
A. Coleiro, S. Chaty, J.A. Zurita Heras, F. Rahoui and J. Tomsick
The 4th Palermo Swift-BAT catalogue: 7 years of Survey of the hard X-ray sky
G. Cusumano
First results of X-shooter observations of IGR sources
INTEGRAL/IBIS nine-year Galactic hard X-ray survey
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R. Krivonos
Swift/XRT observations of newly discovered INTEGRAL sources
Identification of newly-discovered sources belonging to the 4th IBIS catalog and to the 54 months Palermo Swift/BAT catalog
Soft X-ray follow-up of five hard X-ray emitters
L. Pavan, E. Bozzo, C. Ferrigno, M. Falanga, S. Campana, S. Paltani, L. Stella and R. Walter
Herschel views on ultra-luminous X-ray sources
M. Servillat, A. Coleiro and S. Chaty
Nucleosynthesis and X/gamma-ray diffuse emission
Gamma-Ray Line Astronomy with INTEGRAL
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D.H. Hartmann
Observations of SN2011fe with INTEGRAL
The Galactic Centre after Integral observations
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R. Terrier
Measures of the components of the Galactic diffuse emission with INTEGRAL/SPI
Chandra observations of the X-ray emission from Molecular Clouds at the Galactic Center related to Sgr A* past activity
M. Clavel, R. Terrier, A. Goldwurm, M. Morris, G. Ponti, S. Soldi and G. Trap
Nucleosynthesis line studies with SPI
R. Diehl, F. Alexander, M. Krause, D. Lubos, K. Kretschmer, P. Martin and W. Wang
Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A
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S. Grebenev
Structure and Dynamics of the Galactic X-rays
Velocities of 26Al in the inner Galaxy
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K. Kretschmer
INTEGRAL/IBIS-ISGRI observations of young supernova remnants : Survey in hard X-rays and 44Ti gamma-ray lines
The 511 keV sky as seen by INTEGRAL/SPI, CGRO-OSSE and GRS/SMM combined
G. Skinner, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, P. von Ballmoos, M. Leising, P. Milne and G. Weidenspointner
Non-thermal emission from cosmic rays in the interstellar medium from MHz to TeV
Diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Milky Way: 10 years of INTEGRAL observations
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R. Krivonos
INTEGRAL/SPI view of the diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Milky Way
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S. Tsygankov
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Gamma-Ray Bursts, witnessing the birth of stellar mass black holes
J.L. Atteia
INTEGRAL Results on Gamma-Ray Bursts
Separating the wheat from the chaff: a proper classification of the non-Collapsars GRBs.
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O. Bromberg
GRB120711A : an exceptional Integral GRB
A Decade of Bursts with the SPI-ACS
K. Hurley, A. Rau, A. von Kienlin and X.L. Zhang
X-ray behaviour of GRBs detected by INTEGRAL/JEM-X
A. Martin-Carrillo and L. Hanlon
Model of the extended emission of short gamma-ray bursts
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A. Pozanenko
Timing properties of gamma-ray bursts detected by SPI-ACS detector onboard of INTEGRAL
V. Savchenko, A. Neronov and T.J.L. Courvoisier
The spectral catalog of GRBs observed with INTEGRAL: IBIS/SPI joint spectral analysis
Is the Prompt GRB Liso-Lag Correlation the Same as the Afterglow LX-Tbrk One ?
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D. Kazanas
Ten years of IBAS
S. Mereghetti
Investigation of the spectral lag - energy relation of GRBs registered by INTEGRAL
P. Minaev, A. Pozanenko, S. Grebenev and S. Molkov
The Fermi GBM Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog: Year Three & Four
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A. von Kienlin
Acceleration, Solar Flares and gamma-ray binaires
Energetic particle acceleration by collisionless shocks
Gamma-ray observations of binary systems with H.E.S.S.
Superorbital modulation of X-ray emission from gamma-ray binary LSI +61 303
M. Chernyakova, A. Neronov, S. Molkov, D. Malyshev, A. Lutovinov and G.G. Pooley
Solar energetic particles – combining direct measurements with remote sensing observations
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K.L. Klein
Stochastic acceleration in accreting black holes
A. Marcowith
Here comes the Sun - Reliable forecasting of the effects of solar flares on INTEGRAL?
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J.M. Hübner
INTEGRAL view of gamma-ray binaries
J. Li, D.F. Torres, S. Zhang and J. Wang
Chandra spectro-imaging analysis of the young composite SNR associated with IGR J14003-6326
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V. Marandon
Using SPI/INTEGRAL to study the Sun
R. Rodríguez-Gasén, J. Kiener, V. Tatischeff, C. Hamadache, K.L. Klein and N. Vilmer
INTEGRAL/SPI and Fermi/GBM Observation of the 2012 March 7th Solar Flares
X.L. Zhang, D. Gruber, J. Kiener and A. von Kienlin
Future missions, instrumentation and data analysis
INTEGRAL/SPI data segmentation to retrieve sources intensity variations
LOFT (the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing)
INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI energy calibration in OSA 10
I. Caballero, J.A. Zurita Heras, F. Mattana, S. Soldi, P. Laurent, F. Lebrun, L. Natalucci, M.T. Fiocchi, C. Ferrigno and R. Rohlfs
The MIRAX mission: Payload description and background simulation plan
M.A. Castro, J. Braga, F. D'Amico, J.E. Grindlay and R.E. Rothschild
JEM-X Improvement in OSA10
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J. Chenevez
Monte Carlo simulations of X-ray absorption in the interstellar medium
W. Eikmann, J. Wilms and J. Lee
The Wide Field Monitor onboard the Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT)
Y. Evangelista
The IBIS/ISGRI Source Location Accuracy
Study of Silicon Photomultipliers for the Readout of Scintillator Crystals in the GRIPS Mission
The eROSITA Near Realtime Analysis
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I. Kreykenbohm
The X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer mission
Giant On-Line INTEGRAL Archive (GOLIA) @INAF-IASF Milano
A. Paizis, S. Mereghetti, D. Gotz, M. Fiorini, M. Gaber, R. Regni Ponzeveroni, L. Sidoli and S. Vercellone
LOFT Simulation Toolkit
C. Schmid, T. Brand, M. Kühnel, M. Wille, J. Wilms, R. Campana, I. Donnarumma and Y. Evangelista
Monte-Carlo Modeling of Cyclotron Resonant Scattering Features
F. Schwarm, G. Schoenherr, J. Wilms and P. Kretschmar
In-flight calibration of the INTEGRAL/IBIS mask
S. Soldi, F. Lebrun, A. Gros, G. Belanger, V. Beckmann, I. Caballero, A. Goldwurm, D. Gotz, F. Mattana, J.A. Zurita Heras, A. Bazzano and P. Ubertini
Gamma-ray DBScan: a DBScan-based clustering algorithm applied to the detection of gamma-ray sources: application to the Fermi-LAT data
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A. Tramacere
Objectives for Medium Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
eROSITA on-board Spectrum-RG
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A. von Kienlin
INTEGRAL and others Angels in the HEAVENS
Validating the Bayesian event reconstruction and selection approach with measurements of the Crab pulsar and nebula with NCT and COMPTEL+F38
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A. Zoglauer