Sessions |
session: Status of the experiments |
session: Detectors |
session: Electro-weak physics |
session: QCD and forward physics |
session: Heavy quarks |
session: Top quark, Higgs boson and exotics |
session: Status of the experiments |
LHCb: status and physics results
Status and Performance of CMS
Recent results from ALICE
session: Detectors |
Reconstruction and identification of electrons and photons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Charged track reconstruction and b-tagging performance in ATLAS
Identified Primary Hadron Spectra in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions with the ALICE Detector at the LHC
session: Electro-weak physics |
Electroweak results from the CMS experiment
Electroweak Physics in ATLAS
session: QCD and forward physics |
QCD and forward results from CMS
Top models of diffractive scattering to falsify at the LHC
K/π ratio and strangeness suppression in pp collisions at the LHC
session: Heavy quarks |
Heavy-flavour measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC
J/Ψ production measurements in pp and PbPb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
B-physics studies at LHC with the ATLAS detector
$B_c$ production at LHCb
Tetraquarks composed of 4 heavy quarks
session: Top quark, Higgs boson and exotics |
Top quark physics results with the ATLAS experiment
Supersymmetry Searches at ATLAS
Exotic Searches in ATLAS
ATLAS Higgs Searches
Higgs search by CMS