Sessions |
Keynotes |
Invited |
Contributed |
Keynotes |
statistical methods
future of the supercomputing
Cosmic Microwave Background
Invited |
From mean Euler characteristics to the Gaussian kinematic formula
Shrinking the quadratic estimator
Compressed sensing in astrophysics and beyond
High level programming languages and hybrid programming in the context of high performance scientific applications
Secondary CMB anisotropies and their simulations
Component separation techniques for CMB maps
CMB power spectrum estimation techniques
sampling algorithms, Markov and non-Markov chains
Making maps for CMB experiments
needlets/wavelets nonGaussianity estimators
Hunting for relics from the early universe in the CMB
Discrete Aspects of High-Performance Iterative Linear Solvers
non-Gaussianity tests
on recent developments in numerical linear algebra
Contributed |
Sparse component separation for accurate CMB map estimation
CMB lensing reconstruction in the presence of diffuse polarized foregrounds
A robust constraint on cosmic textures from the cosmic microwave background
Deriving bounds for trispectrum estimators for Planck
Power spectrum estimation on the sphere using wavelets
Nets and nests: accelerated Bayesian inference in astrophysics
Restoration of a whole-sky CMB map
Searching for the Unexpected
Simple foreground cleaning algorithm for detecting primordial B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background
Spherical wavelet-Bayesian cosmic string tension estimation
Methodology and lessons from the QUIET Maximum Likelihood map-maker
True CMB Power Spectrum Estimation
Removal of two large scale Cosmic Microwave Background anomalies after subtraction of the Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect
Reconstruction of high-resolution SZ maps from heterogeneous datasets using needlets
Primordial non-Gaussianity and diffuse Galactic emissions
Detection of Point Sources Using Internal Templates and Needlets
Avoiding Communication in Generalized Least Square Problems
Accelerating convolutions on the sphere with hybid GPU/CPU kernel splitting
Component Separation for Full-Sky Cosmic Microwave Background Recovery using Sparsity
Accelerating maximum likelihood Cosmic Microwave Background map-making