Bormio2012 - (other bormio conferences)
23-27 January 2012
Bormio, Italy
published October 12, 2012
Unlike many workshops, the Bormio meeting does not focus on a single topic. Instead, the aim is to bring together researchers and students from related fields in subatomic physics. Addressed topics include hadron physics, heavy ion physics, nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure, particle physics, detectors and future projects as well as applications of these fields. Review talks by more senior speakers as well as talks and posters presented by junior researchers are encouraged.
conference main image
Monday Morning Session
Monday Afternoon Session
Tuesday Morning Session
Tuesday Afternoon Session
Wednesday Morning Session
Wednesday Afternoon Session
Thursday Morning Session
Thursday Afternoon Session
Friday Morning Session
Friday Afternoon Session
Monday Morning Session
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C. Sfienti
Dawning of a New Era in Heavy Ion Physics!
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J. Harris
Radiocarbon dating coming of age
W. Kutschera
Hot topics in hadron physics
D. Bettoni
Strange baryon production in HI collisions near the NN production threshold
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N. Hermann
Search for the dark matter gauge bosons at the Mainz Microtron
H. Merkel
Monday Afternoon Session
Multidimensional Hadron Attenuation
G. Karyan
M. Barabanov
Investigating low energy QCD with kaonic atoms: the SIDDHARTA experiment at DAFNE
A. Scordo
Development of a neutron detector for A1/KAOS@MAMI
Poles and resonances in the coupled channels model for $\bar{K}N$ interaction
L. Hrazdilova and A. Cieply
A sampling ADC - universal tool for data processing and trigger application
P. Kulessa
$K^{0}$ production in pp and pNb reactions
J.C. Berger-Chen
Experience of the WLCG data management system from the first two years of the LHC data taking
D. Adamová
Implementation of a High Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter in a Field Programmable Gate Array
Exclusive pkLambda production in p+p reactions
Open heavy flavor and quarkonia measurements in STAR.
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J. Bielcik
Results for a Simulated Resonance Scan of the X(3872) at PANDA*
M. Galuska, W. Kuehn, J.S. Lange and B. Spruck
Study of hadron properties in cold nuclear matter with HADES
P. Tlusty
Hybrid Pixels for the Micro-Vertex Detector of the PANDA Experiment
L. Zotti, D. Calvo, P. De Remigis, S. Marcello, G. Mazza, M. Mignone, A. Rivetti and R. Wheadon
Tuesday Morning Session
News from BES
S.L. Olsen
Recent Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics
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B.R. Fulton
Recent results from the ALICE experiment in pp and PbPb collisions
E. Scomparin
Towards an effective field theory for vector mesons
S. Leupold
The neutron and the Universe - History of a relationship
Tuesday Afternoon Session
Progress in the research on the antikaon-nucleon and nucleus interaction
J. Marton
Development of a GEM-TPC prototype for high-rate experiments
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F. Boehmer
(Oscillating) non-exponential decays of unstable states
F. Giacosa
Recent results on correlations and fluctuations from lattice QCD
C. Ratti, S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg and K. Szabo
270Ds and its decay products – K-isomers, α-sf competition and masses
D. Ackermann
Wednesday Morning Session
Theory of Antikaon-Nucleon Interactions with new constraints from kaonic hydrogen
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W. Weise
The LhcB Experiment
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U. Straumann
Exploring properties of asymmetric nuclei and nuclear matter with reactions of relativistic radioactive beams
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T. Aumann
Neutrino-Long-Baseline Experiments and Nuclear Physics
The nuclear fragmentation problem and Bormio's contribution to its solutions
Wednesday Afternoon Session
Low energy QCD and phase diagram with functional methods
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C. Fischer
Physics with Tau Lepton Final States in ATLAS
M. TrottierMc-Donald
High Resolution Decay Pion Spectroscopy of light Hypernuclei at MAMI
Studying halo nuclei by the ratio technique
P. Capel, R.C. Johnson and F. Nunes
Strange probes of Al+Al collisions around threshold
Thursday Morning Session
MeV to TeV Physics with Parity-Violating Electron Scattering
Latest results of ALTAS
M. Wessels
Measurements of transverse momentum in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering at CLAS
K. Griffioen
Hadron formation in the deconfined matter at RHIC and LHC
R. Bellwied
Failures of Nuclear Models of Deformed Nuclei
J.F. Sharpey-Schafer
Thursday Afternoon Session
Tomography of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) by heavy quarks.
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J. Aichelin
Gluon-induced dissociation and screening of Y states in PbPb collisions at \sqrt s_{NN} = 2.76 TeV
F. Brezinski and G. Wolschin
Measurement of the neutron electric form factor in quasielastic electron scattering
S. Schlimme
In-medium effects on strangeness and dilepton production
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E. Bratkovskaya
Identified-particle production and spectra with the ALICE detector in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC
S. Beole'
Open heavy flavour RAA in ALICE
A. Mischke
Friday Morning Session
The Quest for In-medium Modifications of Hadrons
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J. Stroth
New CMS Results
T. Dorigo
RHIC and LHC phenomena with an unified parton transport.
I. Bouras, O. Fochler, F. Reining, F. Senzel, J. Uphoff, C. Wesp, Z. Xu, C. Greiner and A. El
Composite states of vector mesons, vector-baryon and vector mesons in a nuclear medium
E. Oset Baguena
In-Medium Properties of Hadrons
M. Nanova
Friday Afternoon Session
Self-consistent description of proton radioactivity
L. Ferreira
The Symmetry Energy in Heavy Ion Collisions
H. Wolter
The symmetry energy at high density: new experimental results
W. Trautmann and Q. Li
New Wrinkles in an old model. The Liquid Drop volume , surface and curvature terms and their relationship
L. Moretto