Introduction |
Session I: Recent results from Swift and Fermi |
Welcome Remarks
Swift: Status and Recent Results
Fermi-LAT Recent Results on Gamma-Ray Bursts
Scientific highlights from the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
Session II: Prompt Emission |
The Fermi Era: Towards a better understanding of the GRB prompt emission
Rest-frame properties of GRBs observed by Fermi/GBM
Bright High-Energy GRBs detected with Fermi GBM
Prompt spectral properties of a complete sample of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts
Theory of the Gamma-ray Burst Prompt Emission
The Photosphere in Gamma-Ray Bursts: Lessons Learned from Fermi
Photospheric Emission in Fermi Gamma Ray Bursts
The High Energy Behavior of Gamma-ray Burst Spectra as Observed by Fermi GBM and LAT
The E$_\mathrm{p}$ - E$_{\rm iso}$ relation: intrinsic GRB property or/and selection effects?
GRBs have preferred jet opening angles and bulk Lorentz factors
On the reliability of spectral-energy correlations in GRBs
On The Lack of Time Dilation Signatures in Gamma-ray Burst Light Curves
Energy-dependent Spectral Lags of Fermi-GBM GRBs
Study of emission mechanism of Gamma-Ray Bursts by the gamma-ray polarization with IKAROS-GAP
Broadband observations of GRB110731A with Fermi, Swift, GROND and MOA
GRB observations at very high energies with the MAGIC telescopes
Multi-GeV lightcurves: possible hints for the emission mechanism
Searching For Low Energy Deviations In GRB Spectra With GBM
Search for extended emission in Fermi/GBM GRBs
A Study of Gamma-Ray Bursts with extended emission observed with BATSE
GRB Spectral Lags in The Source Frame: An Investigation of Fermi-GBM Bursts
Long and short high energy components presented in GRBs
Radiation from shock-accelerated particles
The IPN Supplement to the Fermi GBM 2-year Catalog
The observation of Gamma Ray Bursts with AGILE
The Fermi GBM Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog: Years Three & Four
Variability Time Scales of GRBs
Average Power Density Spectrum of long GRBs in the Swift Era
GRBs in the comoving frame: interpreting the spectral-energy correlations
Untriggered Swift-GRBs in Fermi/GBM data
Monte Carlo Simulation of Thermal Radiation from Relativistic Media
Searching for galactic sources in the Swift GRB catalog
Boolean Factor Analysis of Swift GRB Data
GRB 080407: an ultra-long burst discovered by the IPN
Where is the photospheric emission in GRBs ?
The proto-black hole concept in GRB 101023 and its possible extension to GRB 110709B.
Needs for a new GRB classification following the fireshell model: "genuine short", "disguised short" and "long" GRBs
Canonical GRBs: the long, the disguised short and the short, and their cosmic distances.
The Fermi GBM Gamma-Ray Burst Spectral Catalog: The First Two Years
Classification of Fermi and Swift GRBs.
Evidence for the observation of the first genuine short GRB and theoretical inference of its cosmological redshift.
Curvature Effects in GRBs
Fermi-LAT Stacking Analysis of Swift-XRT Localized GRBs
Evidence of Deterministic Components in the Apparent Randomness of GRBs: Clues of a Chaotic Dynamic
Background fitting of Fermi gamma-ray burst 091030613
Short X-ray Transients detected by MAXI/GSC
Constraints on the optical precursor to the naked-eye burst GRB080319B from 'Pi of the Sky' observations
Session III: Afterglows |
Scaling Properties of Afterglow Radiation
Multidimensional numerical simulations in the afterglow phase
Relativistic MHD Simulations of Magnetic Fields in Jets of GRBs
Simulations of GRB Jets in a Stratified External Medium
Observational Aspects of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows
Probing GRB afterglows with deep linear and circular polarimetry
An intrinsic correlation between GRB optical/UV afterglow brightness and decay rate
The prompt-afterglow connection in Gamma-Ray Bursts: a comprehensive statistical analysis of Swift X-ray light-curves
Gamma-ray burst afterglows as probes of the ISM
Origin of the X-ray absorption in GRBs
Short GRB Broad-band Afterglow Observations: Beaming, Densities and Energetics
Statistical Connection between the prompt and X-ray afterglow emission of Swift detected GRBs
Jet model fits to GRB light curves
Afterglow emission in the context of an 'one-zone' radiation-acceleration model
GRB100814A - a member of the growing set of bursts with sudden optical rebrightening
Comparing the physical parameters of the intermediate and long GRB optical afterglows
A universal scaling for short and long gamma-ray bursts: $E_{\rm X,iso}$-$E_{\rm \gamma,iso}$-$E_{\rm pk}$
A complete sample of bright long GRBs discovered by Swift
The strong MgII absorbers mystery: a complete statistical sample
Identifying the Location in the Host Galaxy from a Short GRB 111117A by the Chandra Sub-arcsecond Position
The propagation of relativistic jets triggered by tidal disruption of stars in quiescent supermassive black holes
Exploring the Nature of Gamma-ray Burst Shallow Decay
Searching for late-time hard X-ray emission of Swift GRBs
Energetic Fermi/LAT GRB100414A: Energetic and Correlations
Optical Afterglows and IGM Attenuation
Late-time observations of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 060729
Session IV: GRBs as Probes of the Early Universe |
High-redshift Gamma-ray Bursts
Pulse spectral evolution of GRBs: implication as standard candle
Difficulties in using GRBs as Standard Candles
Galaxy counterparts of high-z sub-DLAs/DLAs towards GRBs
Gamma-ray Bursts as Probes of the First Stars
Pop III GRBs: an estimative of the event rate for future surveys
The long gamma-ray burst rate and the correlation with host galaxy properties
Probing Cosmic Radiation Fields and Magnetic Fields in the Reionization Epoch with Hard X-rays and MeV-GeV Gamma Rays from High-z GRBs
Search for properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts at known large redshifts
The mystery of the missing GRB redshifts
A Significant Problem With Using the Amati Relation for cosmological Purposes
Clustering of galaxies near GRB afterglows
Probing the Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst Rate in the Swift Era
Session V: Progenitors and Central Engine |
The supernovae of gamma-ray bursts
Collapsar and Magnetar Models for Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts
Binary Progenitors for Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts
Breaks and flares in long gamma-ray bursts from massive binaries
The multi-messenger picture of compact binary mergers
Energy injection in short GRBs and the role of magnetars
Model of the extended emission of short gamma-ray bursts
GRB central engine, jet formation and propagation
Constraints to the GRB central engine from jet penetrability to massive stars
Unveiling long lasting central engine activity with Optical-NIR afterglows
Natal kicks of stellar-mass black holes
Chemical properties of long gamma-ray bursts progenitors in cosmological simulations
LGRBs beaming features and SNIb/c connection in the light of the Second Swift BAT Catalog
Late-time light curves of GRB associated supernovae
Late time X-ray emission from SN2010bh
Mass transfer in compact binaries
Unusual Central Engine Activity in the Double Burst GRB 110709B
Magnetorotational supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.
Metallicity effects on the cosmic SNIb/c and GRB rates
Session VI: History and Future Instrumentation |
The Initial Gamma Ray Transient Studies
The History and Legacy of BATSE
The Interplanetary Network Database
Cosmic gamma-ray bursts studies with Ioffe Institute Konus experiments
GRB experiments on-board of "Lomonosov" satellite
Observing transients with LOFAR and AARTFAAC
Hunting for Gamma Ray Bursts with Pi of the Sky telescopes in Chile and Spain
The HAWC experiment and its sensitivity to gamma-ray bursts
The UFFO Pathfinder mission on Lomonosov for fast GRB X-ray and optical location
The Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory Program : Pathfinder and Beyond
The investigation of Gamma Ray Bursts with the Large Observatory for x-ray Timing (LOFT)
Study of Saturn's Ring System Observed from National Observatory, Nepal
Session VII: Grav. Waves, Neutrinos, Cosmic Rays and UHE Emission |
GRBs at Neutrino Telescopes
Neutrinos from GRBs, and the connection to gamma-ray observations
Gravitational Waves from Gamma-ray Bursts
The Swift short gamma-ray burst rate density: implications for detecting neutron star mergers by ALIGO
Hadronic processes as origin of TeV emission in Fanaroff & Riley Class I: Cen A, M87 and NGC1275
Neutrinos and Gamma Rays from the First Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in the Universe
Gamma Ray Burst Cosmology with Gravitational Waves
Recent IceCube Results from Searches for Transient Neutrino Sources
Session VIII: Host Galaxies |
TOUGH: Observational Aspects of Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies
Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies as Probes of Galaxy Formation and Evolution
The Host Galaxies of Dust-Obscured Gamma-Ray Bursts
The Italian-French X-shooter GRB host program: status and updates
The host galaxies of short bursts
GRB 100206A: The first short GRB associated with recent star-formation?
The Redshift Distribution of the TOUGH sample
The host galaxies of dark bursts